The Chosen Ones- About the story

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The Chosen Ones


Meet me; I'm Éléonore - I'm a vampire. Meet Louis - He's a vampire. Meet Niall - He's a vampire. Meet Alexis - She's a vampire.

We're the chosen ones. Why? I've no idea but we tend to find out. In the meanwhile we continue hating each-other's guts...

Alexis is American. She's a spoiled brat. She has some kind of history with Niall from a long time ago and now they hate each-other. Let's just say she's complaining about needing tons of friends and make-up all the time.

Niall is Irish. He's just a sweet innocent guy - he disgusts me. Let's just say he's a kind boy who doesn't want to harm anyone and is nice to anyone he meets.

Louis is English. He is a cheeky guy who is convinced he will get me to start liking people. I think he's in love with me or something; he seems kind of obsessed with me...

I'm French. I'm the loner. I don't really want anything to do with any of them but still I am the one that keeps us all together.

We're hiding out and waiting for a time when someone will tell us what the hell is going on with us.

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now