Chapter 4 - Niall

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Chapter Four – Niall


It had been a strange few days.

It was three days since I woke up and realized something was different. I had an incredible thirst for blood and I refused to believe it. I was not a vampire; I couldn’t be… Things like that didn’t exist. Confusion was filling my thoughts at all times because I had no idea what to do.

One thing was for sure though; I was not going to kill anyone.

Someone knocked on the door to my room.

“Niall, are you coming? We’re going down from breakfast!” Harry yelled through the door.

I better come; I don’t want to make them more worried then they already are. They had noticed my tired eyes and my strange behaviour. It took all I had not to kill anyone I met and I was constantly surrounded by people. It was getting more uncontrollable for each minute but I wasn’t going to fail.

“I’ll be right out!” I called back and rose from bed. I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. My whole body was hurt; I had never felt such pain before. I met my own eyes in the mirror and another rush of shock went through me. I was paler then ever and my eyes were completely black.

I let out a loud sigh before I opened the door and there stood the three boys. I held my breath as the heat from their bodies hit me. I clenched my fist in order to stop my impulse to jump right on to them and kill them…

The three gave me a sad smile. All of us was tired and hadn’t gotten any sleep in too long. Louis had disappeared from the beginning of the tour when we were in New York and there was no trace of him. We were all very sad because we might have lost our best-friend. Maybe he was murdered… maybe he was kidnapped…. Any way the chances of us seeing him again were slight. We all missed him so much and just prayed that he would come back some day.

Meanwhile we had to continue the tour because we couldn’t let everyone down and there was a lot of money on stake so they wouldn’t let us go home. Everyday I just pretended that Louis was home in UK because one of his sisters was sick or something. I came up with all ideas on where he might be instead of being missing… I didn’t want to think of the reality.

Now we were in LA and by the end of the night we would return to London. Hopefully then I would finally be able to sort things out, find out what I am suppose to do about thing whole vampire thing. Maybe I should try and get help, I felt crazy going through it alone.    

“Are you all right Niall?” Liam asked me and looked worried.

“I’m just tired you know… don’t worry, I will last this one last day.” I lied because I would probably not make it. I felt so sick and there was probably only one thing that could cure that. Blood. I still wasn’t going down that path though.

I rather die then kill someone else.

I avoided their looks because I didn’t want them to be able to see my strange eyes. We walked to the elevator in silence, we hadn’t talked much lately, not about anything fun anyway…

They had made a conference-room on the 2nd floor into a little cafeteria just for us where we ate breakfast that week we spent on that hotel. We couldn’t eat in the normal place because people were probably going to mob us. The place was surrounded with celebrities but that wouldn’t stop some.

We ate breakfast during silence. The only thing I could think about eating was meat and I tried to eat it with enthusiasm so that the boys wouldn’t get worried about me.

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now