Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

Recap from chapter two:

“Hello?” Louis answered calmly.

“Louis? Where are you? What’s going on?! Why did you leave?” He heard a panicking voice almost scream in his ear.

“Liam…” Louis began.


“Liam… I’m sorry just please let me explain myself.” Louis said fast.

“Louis! We thought you were dead!” Liam was panicking. Louis could hear a few voices in the background that sounded relived; probably Harry, Zayn and Niall. Louis wanted them to know that he was alive. He realized the tracks he left behind might have made it look like he was kidnapped or something. Now he needed to sort things out; they didn’t deserve not to know that he was all right. 

“I’m not; you don’t have to worry about me. There’s nothing wrong with me. It’s hard to explain though… I can’t be with you boys anymore…. I can’t be around anyone anymore.” Louis could control his thirst; if he drank at least once a day so that wasn’t exactly the problem. The problem would be living and visiting huge cities where he can’t just kill the animals walking down the street. Because the animals walking down the street wouldn’t be bears – it would be humans.

“You really can’t tell why? Everyone’s wondering!”

“Maybe it is best if you tell them all that you believe that I’m dead…” Louis choked on his words; it was hard for him to think like that. “They will never find me anyway. I can’t tell you why Liam but what I can say is that this world is a far stranger place then we think.” 

“Louis? We miss you.” Another voice said through the phone. Sounded like Harry.

“I miss you all too… I’m so sorry for leaving.” Tears were coming through his eyes. Maybe he could come back after all? Bring El with him? In that way he never had broken the laws of the ‘creator’. He could come back and pretend like nothing happened?

No, they would realize what he is sooner or later… it’s just too risky…

“We don’t understand why you did it Louis. But I think we will accept it…” Zayn said.

“If I had a choice then I wouldn’t have left.” 

“I don’t know what to say because I’m so confused. There’s something weird going on. Now Niall’s missing too…” Harry said sadly.

“What?! Niall is missing?”

“Yeah, Niall was acting weird a few days and he looked really sick. He refused to go to the doctor and there was just one day until we would leave so we thought that he would get some rest soon…” Zayn’s voice cracked as he spoke of his best friend that was missing.

“What happened?! Did he… did he…?” Louis couldn’t say it out loud.

“No… well we don’t know. He went missing…” Harry answered.

“That’s very strange.” I said.

“Louis, are you sure you can’t come back?” Zayn asked.

“No, I can’t but please know that I’m safe. I’m going to keep in touch but don’t tell anyone else that you heard from me. I’m going to search for Niall. If he’s alive, then he will answer when he sees it me calling.”

“Thanks Lou.” Liam said.

“No need to thank me. We’re still friends and maybe I’ll meet you again some day but I can never go back to the life I once had. I’m so, so sorry that I’m crushing your dreams but I… I can’t be a part of One Direction.” Louis sank down to the floor. He can’t believe he said that to his best friend, his brothers.

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now