Chapter 2 - Louis

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Chapter Two - Louis

She was getting on my nerves. Okay, I was getting on hers. I was just trying to talk to her because I was feeling lonely but she made it clear to me from the beginning that she was a loner. She didn't feel like she needed to spend her time with other humans (or vampires) but I did and right now she was the only one I could spend time with. Whoever created me and possibly made the girl a vampire too wanted me to be there. I didn't want to break any orders because something told me that the creator would've known if I did.

After a while I sadly got used to the silence loneliness. We didn't know each-other and she obviously didn't plan on changing that so we just stayed out of each-others ways. We were in a huge, huge, HUGE forest so that was not a problem.

We did everything alone and we also haunted alone but I enjoyed watching her from a distance. It was something beautiful about the way she moved. Actually I don't think it had anything to do with the vampirism; I wasn't even close to moving as gracefully like her. There was something special about that woman - she really had super-powers.

So I was a vampire... what did I think of that? It was strange, abnormal and I didn't know what to do about it or feel about it. What were the other boys doing right now? I never told them why I left. I simply left them clueless and probably devastated... Why did I leave?

The first reason was because the creator told me. Then I also left because I can't be a celebrity when I'm a vampire; people in our fandom have huge imagination and the gift of espionage. It might start out as suspicions but then they would probably realize what I truly am. My lifestyle often included getting in between hundreds of fans. I didn't trust myself to be in that situation and not kill anyone...

I tried to make the best of life I had now but it was hard because it was beyond boring and I had no one to make practical jokes on. If I did it to the girl she would probably kill me. She took on the biggest animals I could possibly imagine seeing with my eyes. She had just drained a huge bear of all its blood while I had watched her with impressed eyes.

I couldn't even hide my surprise when she came up to me.

"I'm Éléonore." She introduced herself, with her lovely French accent. "I guess we should talk a little, I don't want you to feel lonely."

"I'm Louis." I said giving her a lovely smile, in return she gave me an ugly grimace.

"Come with me!" Éléonore said while she turned around and started to run. We stopped at the tree that she always stayed in. What I didn't know was that under the low branches; she had a home. I looked around with amazed eyes. She had made a home out here!

"Cool place." I said giving her another smile but again she didn't return it. She gestured for me to sit down on the sort of bed she had created.

"You like books I see?" I broke the silence and picked up one that was in my reach and looked on the cover.7

"I guess you're not the kind of guy to read?"

"Actually I like reading; I just haven't had the time the past years, I've been to busy with everything. So that's what you're doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" I didn't try to sound negative but I was so bored.

"How old are you Louis?" She asked and completely ignored my question.

"I'm 20 and to be honest I hope being a vampire means that we're not ageing because I don't ever want to grow up. I like how you say my name by the way; just like it should be said, in French." I stared right in to her eyes and I could sense that she was getting very uncomfortable.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?" she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Maybe... but I know it's not going to work." She really couldn't lighten up and I was stuck with her and I hated it, I didn't like her...

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now