Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Louis and Éléonore were seated under the branches of a tree, like a little cave. El was reading a book while Louis sat silently and looked at her book too. She had been alone for a few days but Louis missed her. So therefore he came in to her little cave and just sat down next to her. She didn't seem to mind, she didn't show any sign of annoyance.

Louis couldn't help but look way from the book to look at her instead. He loved the way her eyes moved over the words and letters, back and forward over the sheet. Louis put his hand on her jeans-covered thigh, pretty high up but El ignored it. She just continued reading.

He moved his big hand in circles while his eyes where locked on her face. He watched every movement the muscles in her eyes, chin and mouth made.

“Will you please stop your staring Louis?" She asked and tried to sound annoy but it wasn't very convincing. She turned her head around to meet his eyes and their faces weren't even an inch apart.

“Only if you kiss me." Louis demanded and Éléonore curved her eyebrows.




"Please, I miss you." He begged with a smile. She gave up and leaned in.

Their lips crashed together in a sweet kiss. One pair lips slowly moving over the other. While Louis sat like a statue too afraid to move or to do something wrong Éléonore felt a sudden desire wash through her body. She wanted Louis closer. In a hasted movement she put her hands on his back and with her strength pulled him to herself. Her teeth gently bit Louis' lower lip and he laughed while continue kissing her.

After a long, wonderful moment of snogging they released each-other from the tight grips.

“I thought that now that you had Niall you would finally leave me be."

“I like you El," Louis smiled genuinely. "I stayed away because you obviously wanted to be alone. But now I'm confused. Did you miss me too? You apparently like me to considering how much passion you put into our kissing." He looked her with squinted eyes, pretending to be dead serious but he was only joking and smiling.

"I don't like people Louis. Because they either end up hurting or leaving you. They always causes so much drama and it's easier to just stay out of it. It would be healthier for me not to like you. But..." Éléonore’s face turned in to a frown.

"You do." Louis cut off with a giant smile. "You do like me."

"Maybe." She smiled discreetly.

"I don't see that smile often babe."

“Your lucky day then." El said and without shyness continued to look at Louis. Some times funny thoughts popped up in her head and she just happened to remember the dream Louis had about her. She didn't need to be so shy around him because she knew he liked her and thought she was hot. Why else would he have a dream like that about her and why would he else come to her because he misses her?

“Can I sleep here with you? Just sleep, not even close to you." Louis looked at the floor afraid to look her in the eyes in case he would get a rejection which he got most of the times.

“Only if you promise not to have a dirty dream about me."


"Yes, I know that the dream was about me because you said my name when you just kept on and on with your moaning." 'Great thing to threaten to tell the others. Éléonore had control over Louis and she smiled proudly.

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now