Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

Niall had decided to come together with Louis and they were sat in the car. Alexis had fixed food for herself and Niall so that he would be able to control himself. Louis was going to eat something from the forest before the other three showed up. Niall was constantly moving around in the back seat. He was nervous and couldn’t stay still. He wasn’t nervous on how his friends would react to what Louis and he would tell them. He was nervous that something would go wrong and that he wouldn’t be able to control himself. He hadn’t been close to a human in such a long time. He didn’t know what to do.

“Niall, it’s going to be okay.” Alexis, who also came with as support, said. “Remember your first week as a vampire? You were starving so badly you almost died and you still could control yourself around your friends. Niall, you have the strongest willpower I’ve ever seen. This is not a match for you.”

Niall didn’t say anything back. He just gave Alexis a fainted smile.

Louis turned off the motorway and ended up on a small road. No cars came but there were a few houses and farms. They got further and further in to the forest. Louis took a turn again and the road got smaller and smaller. And there it was.

It still looked all the same, only empty.

“Okay, I’m going off to find a dear or something. Niall you sit in the car until they’re calm enough to meet you as well. It’s probably going to be a huge surprise.” Louis said and got out of the car.

He did what he needed and then got back to the meadow where he parked the car. He looked over to it only to see Niall lip locking with Alexis, probably just one of Alexis’ ways to calm him down. Suddenly he heard a car coming down the road. Niall and Alexis disappeared so they wouldn’t be visible. Louis took a deep breath.

He watched the car stop and he slowly walked over to it. Car door after car door opened. Three pair of eyes was staring at Louis. Suddenly the ice just broke.

“Louis!” Liam breathed.

“I missed you buddy, life is not the same without you.” Zayn said and the three of them rushed up towards Louis. Louis just opened his arms to welcome them. Happy tears fell from his eyes. He had always felt like a bigger brother to these boys and now his friends, brothers, family was in his arms.

It felt just like when they first stood together on the stage of X-Factor, when they just got to know that they were put together in a group. It felt like their very first hug.

“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you lads! I wish I could change things.” Louis said after a very long time of hugging. The four of them let go.

“What happened to you Louis?” Liam asked.

Louis didn’t know where to start so I begun by sitting down. The others sat down in front of him.

“This world is a far stranger place then we could ever imagine. What I’m going to tell you is things only written in books. But this isn’t fiction. This is life. Do I have your word? Will you promise me not to tell anyone else. I’ll tell my parents sooner or later but I’ll start with you.”

“We’ve been though the strangest things together Louis. We have always kept each-other’s secrets. You can definitely trust us, even if this is a secret bigger than anything else in the world.” Harry said and Liam and Zayn nodded.

“I’m a vampire.”


“Um, how and where did this happen?”

“In our hotel-room… there was this vampire who created us.” Louis stopped right there. Shit, he said ‘us’.

“Who’s us?” Liam asked shocked.

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now