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Only three humans knew the absolute truth about what happened to Niall. Niall’s family never got a real answer since they knew that what the lads had said in the web cam was false since they hadn’t heard of any death report. They figured that was something the boys said to give the fans a closure. To make them stop hoping. Maybe it was for the best. Of course his family never stopped hoping but there wasn’t much that they could do to find Niall.    

Niall was with Alexis and they never stayed in one place. They were constantly travelling the world, by foot of course. They only ate humans who deserved it and never too many in one place. There was one place in particularly they loved the most and that was home, which meant wherever the rest of One Direction were. Alexis returned home too whenever Niall and her passed by. She visited her family’s grave and apologized a thousand times over but there was nothing she could do to change the past. She could only change herself and that she had done. She couldn’t see herself like that bitter bitch she was when she was a human and her first weeks as a vampire.

Éléonore and Louis lived in the cutest cottage in the French forest a few hours from Paris. They liked to visit the city and for the first years Louis could walk around there like himself. Fans came up to him and Éléonore and he felt good about it. But then they would realize he never grew old and he could never walk around as himself, always keeping his head covered.

His family came and visit and he visited them as well. It was hard for Louis to watch his parents grow older and older while he stayed young forever.

Éléonore never talked to her family again but watched over them when she was in Paris. She was pretty sure that they knew she was alive because there was picture of her and Louis together and she knew her sister would come across them somehow.  

Both Louis and Niall met the other three whenever they had the chance. Zayn, Liam and Harry moved on with their lives of course. They got wives and children and eventually grew older.

But Louis and Niall stayed the same. Everyone they had ever known got old fast and they died. Then there was only Louis, Niall, Alexis and Éléonore left. Louis and Él lived for another twenty years after Liam, who was the last to go, died. When they passed Niall and Alexis full filled what they agreed on. Together they died the slowest painfully death you could ever imagine.

But considering they were such great people I’m sure someone is making it up to them now, wherever they may be. 


I'm sorry that it's poorly written but i don't have anymore time to write so i just hurried to put this together.

I'm sorry to say that this is my last story here... I can't write at wattpad or Instagram anymore at all. i've been so caught up in these stories i haven't had time to do what I need to do. I'm 18 now and i'm staring university in fall so it's time for me to move on. I'm going to spend this summer writing on a book i'm planning. i hope to get it published some day... I know what you're thinking. i'm not that good, and the only excuse i have to say for myself right now about these stories are that the ideas themselves are the problems. i can't use my best and most creative ideas to do a fan fiction of them. 

I'm thankful to every single vote, comment and read, they mean SO much to me! It's that that has made me continue writing here. i was oly planning to write one single story but i'm glad i didn't stop. during this past year i've developed more then i would've done anywhere else. 

So thank you and good bye!! Stay strong and remember that you have a beautiful mind and body and anything that could be beautiful. no matter who you are, you're beautiful in every kind of way. So do what ever you want to do in life, everything is possible if you just believe. It never hurts to try!! Love to you all xxxxxxx

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now