Chapter 11 (part two)

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Chapter 11 Part 2

In the morning before everyone had woken up. El and Louis found Niall and Alexis and shared their thoughts with them. They agreed. Something didn't seem so serious about this Thomas. Still, maybe he was stronger; after all he had created so many vampires.

Not long after Thomas showed up and told everyone more about what they were going to do and why. Turns out there were another vampire around his age that was doing bad things. Her name was Mary and she her plan was to create many vampires and make sure this world was taken over by them. Thomas didn’t want that to happen because being a vampire isn’t fun and no one deserves it. They had to put a stop to it.

Together all the seventeen vampires walked towards the place where there was an arranged meeting. Mary had sworn that she could create much stronger vampires than Thomas. Together with her own vampires she was going to kill El, Louis and the other vampires and then kill Thomas who was the only vampire that stood in her way.

Louis, Éléonore, Alexis and Niall shared suspicious looks between each other as they walked. 

Something still didn’t feel right about this argument and the whole plan. If this Mary wanted to take over the world with vampires, why would she kill so many? The four friends walked after everyone else and still look at each other. Suddenly Niall and Alexis looked at each-other more intense. They heard the other group. They heard Mary’s group walk through the forest and they could hear someone’s strong voice, probably Mary’s.

She was talking to her vampires. Believe it or not but she told them the exact same thing the other sixteen vampires had been told by Thomas. Only this time Mary was telling her vampires that Thomas was the bad guy that was taken over the world. Alexis and Niall was the only ones to overhear this conversation because they were the only vampires of their kind. All though they were sure of that Thomas heard it too as he tensed up and looked over his shoulder to see if any of his vampire heard it. Niall and Alexis pretended as if they hadn’t heard anything, after another minute passed and they arrived to a small meadow.

All of them stood there with tense bodies. Louis grabbed Éléonore’s hand. She didn’t protest. She just looked at him with a sad smile. If this fight was going to happen they might not live.

Niall and Alexis was holding a silent conversation between their eyes. They were discussing how they would approach Thomas. Before they decided to do it, a tall woman with long black hair showed up at the end of the meadow. She was followed by over 25 vampires. This fight was impossible to win; they were fighting on the wrong side.

 “You all know your motives, let’s start this fight!” The woman, obviously Mary yelled and her voice echoed between the trees.

“Hey, hey, hey, hold up!” Alexis ran out fast and stood between the two groups.

“Attack her!” Mary yelled to her vampires.

“Protect her!” Thomas yelled to his vampires.

No one listened.

“None of us know the real motives!” Alexis protested. “We were told that this Mary girl here wanted to create enough vampires to take over the world.” Mary’s vampires looked confused. “Niall and I heard Mary tell you the same thing about Thomas. Either one is lying or both are. Someone please tell the truth before plenty of unnecessary lives are spilled.”

Thomas sighed. “Fine, shall we give this up Mary?”

Mary and Thomas started to explain the real reason to why they created vampires. Mary and Thomas had known each other ever since they were humans 200 years ago. They’re always fighting but their strength is equal. To see who were the strongest vampire they had three months to create as many vampires as possible and then put them to fight against each-other. But they wouldn’t fight unless they told them that they were fighting for a bigger reason. But Niall and Alexis found out the truth and destroyed everything. Thomas and Mary’s plan was a disaster from the beginning.   

“This isn’t freaking Twilight! You can’t just create vampires like this! Don’t you realize you’ve destroyed our entire lives?!” Niall screams. “I have to kill people because of you!”

Thomas and Mary had the stupidest reason behind their plan and most vampires wanted to rip their heads off but not before the whole truth were told.       

Why us? Why did you choose us Thomas?” Èléonore asked.

//////////////////// Okay some more explanation. Thomas and Mary are friends who wanted a bit of entertainment in their long boring vampire lives. So they decided to create a group of vampires each and make them fight against each other. But as you can see, that is a very bad plan and anyone can see through it.


There’s no more fight. In the next chapter they will get an explanation to why exactly them was created for this task and that will definitely turn the events around. 


I’M SO SORRY FOR THIS VERY BAD CHAPTER!!!!                ////////////////


I'm so so busy with school right now, my graduation is just in a month or so, I need to get everything done before that and trust me it's a very long list of homework! 

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now