Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Recap from previous chapter:

Thomas and Mary had the stupidest reason behind their plan and most vampires wanted to rip their heads off but not before the whole truth were told.      

Why us? Why did you choose us Thomas?” Éléonore asked.


Mary tried to calm her group down while Thomas explained to everyone, one by one, why he or she was chosen. They were all rather good reasons; someone named Eric had cancer and Thomas had heard him say that that he wanted to live longer no matter what it took. Eric wasn’t bitter that he now was a vampire, now he could live a long life. Vampires didn’t get sick or old. They lived forever. He was planning on going back to his family because he was sure of that they could keep his secret.

The other vampires left to live their new vampire lives. Soon there was only four left; Louis, Niall, Alexis and Éléonore.

“First thing first, why are Niall and I faster, stronger than the others and why can’t we drink animal blood?” Alexis asked.

“You and Niall are full vampires, you’re like me. You can create other vampires if you would like.”

“And you created us in a different way than the others?”

“I bit you while you were still alive. Louis and El for example was killed before I bit them. It takes much more strength from me to create a vampire like you and Niall; it’s much harder than you think. The reason why I had so many less vampires than Mary was that I got very ill and weak for a whole month after I created you and Niall with just a day in between. I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t necessary.”

“Why was it necessary?” Niall asked angrily between his teeth.

“Cool down Blondie. It’s not my fault. I created Alexis before you Niall: It was her fault. When I created her I didn’t realize what a selfish tool she was, she killed everyone in her way. And she was going to kill you so I had to save you. I couldn’t let her kill you because I knew she wouldn’t try and hide the tracks from her kill. People would be suspicious if your famous body was found and drained of blood, as if a vampire had killed you. I couldn’t let that happen so I did the first thing I could think off. I made you a vampire, just as strong as Alexis.”

“Wow, thanks for saving me!” Niall said sarcastically. “It’s still all your fault! If you and your friend Mary wouldn’t have been so damn immature we wouldn’t be in this position at all. You destroyed my life.”

“I also led you to your true love.” Thomas said.

“Why would I trust anything you say? How is it that you can know everything we’re doing and thinking all the time?”

“When you create a vampire you get a certain bond to them and can look in to their mind. That’s how I know.”

“Who is my “true love” then?” Niall asked. Thomas, El and Louis turned their eyes towards Alexis; it was obvious that Alexis and Niall somehow was meant to be. Niall looked surprised.

“Give it time because there’s definitely something between you two.” Thomas said.

“I don’t believe a word you say! You killed me for your own amusement, you deserve to die!!” Niall was an inch away from attacking Thomas but Alexis dragged him away, to the forest.

It was only Thomas, Louis and Éléonore left.  

“So, why us two?” El asked.

“Just like Niall and Alexis you were a chained event. You were the first vampire I created Éléonore. I was looking for someone suitable around Paris and I ran into you. Literally, you walked in to me. You were acting all strange because you were feeling very ill and your headache was increasing. I could feel it as I touched your hand when I helped you with the books you dropped. I know you don’t remember because your headache truly was strong. It wasn’t a normal headache Éléonore. You had a brain tumour and you weren’t going to survive another day so I helped you.”

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now