Chapter 10 (part 1)

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// I didn't want to keep you all waiting until i've finished the entire chapter so here is only a part of it, hope you like it!  :)

I also can't thank you enough for over 1000 reads! This is the first time I reach 1000 when the book isn't finished. Thank you so, so incredibly much!

Chapter Ten (part one)

“Hello.” Louis said as he stepped in to Éléonore’s home under the tree branches. “You actually wanted me to come?”

“What?” El asked, not understanding what he meant.

“You said we would meet later when we went separate ways before.”

“Haha, yes Louis but I meant you would probably come around and look – here you are.” She laughed.

“Oh, and I actually thought you wanted me to come.” Louis pretended to pout.

“Aw, I’m sorry little child. What me to make up for it?”

“What did you have in mind?” 

“Come a bit closer.” Louis didn’t hesitate for a second; he sat down in front of her. He looked in to her eyes, brown because she just had been drinking blood. Then with a smile he attacked her lips.

She responded by lying down on the ground with Louis pushing his body on top of her.

His lips moved over every single piece of bare skin he could find, he let out a little growl of lust and Éléonore laughed at him. For a very long time they lay there kissing each-other and letting out sound of pleasure because of course, both of them enjoyed the moment very much.

Then Éléonore’s hands moved down Louis’s body and grabbed his shirt. Soon it was off and they both flipped around. Louis pulled off El’s shirt and then moved his hands further down.

“Hey, wait!” Louis exclaimed.

“Haha, what is it?” Éléonore laughed because the look on Louis’s face was priceless.

“Niall and Alexis.” Louis whispered and El laughed again because he thought whispering would help. They both knew Niall and Alexis’s hearing was much better than their own. And now that they were listening they could actually hear them talking. They heard Niall yell something about “listen to them” and a short second after, they heard feet running further away.

“And this is how you make your friends run away.” Louis laughed. “Poor Niall though, probably the last thing he wanted to hear.”

“Look on the bright-side; we’re all alone now.” Éléonore pulled his face towards her again and they continued where they had left off.

“Damn it!” Éléonore said after a few minutes and pushed Louis off her.

“What’s the problem?” Louis rolled closer to her again and pulled a string of hair from her face.

“Can vampires get pregnant?”

“Well, hmm, let’s see, considering I’ve slept with twenty vampires before you and they all got pregnant, I guess so!” Louis joked but none of them laughed.

“I’m serious Louis; I’m not taking any chances what so ever.”

“Shit. I didn’t exactly bring protection with me when I left for Russia because I didn’t exactly plan on sleeping with the vampire-chick I was supposed to find there. I should’ve thought about it.” Again, he tried to joke but no one laughed.

“I guess we can’t do this.”

“It’s okay. We don’t want to mix a vampire-baby in to this mess.” Louis said seriously. “Do you think it would be as cool as the one in Twilight?!” Immature Louis was back once again.

“Louis, your idiot! How many times have I heard you compare this life to Twilight? This is just a sad reality we live in.”

“At least this reality is a little bit lighter then how you describe it considering I’m in it and I’m not in Twilight. Therefore I’d say this is way better then a fantasy world.”

“You’re so confusing when you ramble on about things Louis.” El smiled.

“That’s the way I roll.” Louis smiled back. “So, I’m going to sleep here with you tonight again - that is an order. But… you have to put your shirt back on or there’s a 99% chance that I’ll attack you because you’re so damn sexy.”

Éléonore grabbed her shirt from the ground but didn’t put it on until she had hit Louis with it.

For a few hours they sat and talked about books and other normal things. Then they fell asleep, Louis embracing her body.         

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now