Chapter 13

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“I’m going back to England. I’m going to see my family and tell them the truth. I’m going to tell the lads too. I’m not going to tell our fans the truth Niall but I know what to tell them. Everyone deserves a closure so they know what happened to us. You can come with but you decide what you want to tell everyone you know. I’m going to tell Zayn, Liam and Harry the truth no matter what because I know they will accept it and they deserve to know more than anything so that they can forgive us.”

“I’m coming with you Louis.” Niall said.       

Chapter Thirteen

Louis and Niall had together decided to go back to England and find their other three best friends and they were on their way together with Alexis. The three of them decided it was best to just give up on Éléonore; she had her own strong will. Louis couldn’t stop thinking about her but he tried to stay focus on their trip.

Since Niall and Alexis had their super speed they took turns on giving Louis a ride on their backs. They decided not to swim over the Atlantic Ocean as they were not completely sure if they would manage it. Instead they crossed America, Bering Strait, Russia and Europe in just a few days. It got harder as they came to the more civilized countries of Europe; there were towns and people everywhere so they had to be smart.

They arrived to London, Niall and Louis with their hair and faces cover as much as possible when they walked down the street.

“Were to first, L?”

“Maybe we should check out or flats to see if we can hide there. We can charge our phones and contact the others.” Louis answers.

“Okay but we only go to yours.” Niall said.

“Why mine?”

“Because I got a doorkeeper that will recognize me,” Niall insist very harshly, it almost seems like he got a bigger reason than that.

“Alright, we go to mine.” 

If they still had beating hearts, Louis’ would beat so damn fast. They walked in normal human speed down the roads towards Louis’ flat and he was so nervous if someone would recognize them or if something else would happen. Both Niall and Alexis had made sure to drink as much as they could before they entered the big capital. But if there was an accident who knew what could happen, maybe none of them could control themselves.

It almost took a full day to walk to the flat. They walked in to the building making sure not to be seen by anyone.

“You’ve got the key right? I forgot to ask you that miles ago.” Alexis said worried. 

“Don’t worry I’ve had my keys in my pocket all this time. I like to keep my keys safe.” Louis said as they reached his door. They looked around the corridor to make sure no one saw them enter. Louis unlocked the door and the three of them went inside.

Louis turned on the light. “Wow, this is so unreal. It feels like this is the fiction world ever since our lives got so messed up. I can’t believe the life I lived in here was a normal life with girls literally screaming outside my door.” He said and lit the lights as he walked in to the bedroom to get the backup charger he didn’t bring on the tour. He plugged in his phone and waited for a few inpatient minutes before his phone slowly woke up.

“Alright, I’m going to call… Harry maybe?” Louis called out to his friends. Niall came inside the room.

“Tell them to keep it hush hush that either of us are back but especially me. I don’t want anyone to ever know I’m back except those three. Not even my parents or Greg. I just want to make that clear… Zayn, Liam and Harry are the ones that need an explanation to why we left.” A tear escaped Niall’s eye.

“Alright, I’m sorry Niall. I wish with all I have that I could be the full vampire and not you. You don’t deserve it in any way.” Louis gave Niall a comforting hug.

“I’m going to be fine.” Niall let out a deep sigh. “At least I’ve got Alexis and you. That’s more than I can ask for in this state.”

“The plan is that I tell them that we meet them somewhere off in the country side tomorrow if they can? We can’t stay in the city once we get thirsty. We take my car and drive out of the city.”

Niall nodded and left Louis alone.

Louis took a deep breath before he pressed call. He counted to 15 beeps before someone picked up.

“Hi, it’s Harry, I’m sorry I was just in the shower.” Louis squeezed his eyebrows together at the shock of that Harry answered him so casually.

“Um… Harry? Did you look at the caller ID?” Harry recognized his voice but one the other side of the line he had to bring down his phone from his ear to look at it. ‘On going call: Louis Tomlinson’. Quickly he brought the phone to his ear again.

“Louis?! Are you alright? Where the hell are you now?”

“I’m sorry Harry for what I had to do. I know I can never apologize enough for it. I’m so incredibly sorry.”

“Louis stop apologizing,” Harry tried to sound nice but he wasn’t completely sure if he were pissed off or not.

“I called to say I’m back in England and I want to meet the three of you as soon as possible.”

“We have a free day tomorrow, all of us I think, we haven’t really stayed together that much since you left and Niall disappeared.” Louis heart almost broke. One Direction barely was friends anymore. Zayn, Harry and Liam didn’t even meet each other occasionally and Harry and Louis couldn’t even keep a normal conversation without it being awkward.

“Tomorrow is alright. Um… as for where we can’t meet in the city… We need somewhere private.” Louis thought out loud.

“Remember where we recorded the video for Live while we’re young? It was an hour and half drive from London. It was in the middle of nowhere but still easy way to find. We can meet there as 11 am. How about it?”

“It sounds great.”

Awkward silence.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Harry hesitated as he didn’t know what else to say.

“um, Harry?”


“It’s nice to talk to you. I miss you all.”

“We miss you too Louis. We love you. I love you. You’re my best friend and I wish every morning when I wake up that we could go back to the life we lived before. Louis, everything here has changed.” Harry spilled his heart out.

“I love you too Harry and I know I promised not to say I’m sorry but I am so so so sorry for things turning out this way. But it was all out of my power and I’ll explain it all tomorrow when we meet. You will come right?”

“Louis, don’t worry. No matter what the others say and feel about all of this, I’ll come. I don’t abandon a friend like that.

“Thank you Harry. I’ve always known that I can trust you.”

“Good-bye. See you tomorrow. Tell Zayn and Liam that I miss and love them.”

“I will and I’m sure that they will come as well. Bye Lou.”

Slowly Louis hung up. He just stared at the wall and couldn’t believe what just happened. He had talked to his best friend he hadn’t seen or talked to in months. And tomorrow they were going to meet. He was so excited he almost had butterflies. He had no idea what would happen tomorrow but it felt as if it was going to be something really good. He felt in his guts that Harry and the other two would accept what he had become and maybe, just maybe, they could be friends again. If only Niall would come too because Louis wasn’t sure of he could lie about that part.

// Only 2 more chapters left of this story. I'm sorry I write this really fast and short.. But I'm very busy and I need to get this done this week. That of course means more chapters for you guys.

I hope you still enjoy it! 3000 reads!!! :D 

And don't worry, we might see Éléonore again some day :)

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now