Chapter 15

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“Ouch!” Louis looked towards Liam and Zayn to see Zayn lying on the ground. He had fallen down.

“Zayn you’re always so clumsy!” Harry yelled to him and Louis joined in him laughing. But then he felt it. Zayn had not only fallen, he had scratched his skin. Louis could only concentrate on one thing.


Chapter Fifteen

Louis slowly moved forward, staring at his victim just like he was hunting an animal in the forest and wanted to stay as quiet as possible.

Liam and Zayn didn’t notice but Harry did. He took a few unsteady steps away from Louis. His eyes were wide open in fear. He didn’t dare to say anything or move quickly.

Suddenly an impact his Louis from the side and he fell to the floor. He felt a weight over his body. He was glad something had distracted him but he couldn’t wrap his head around what was happening. The last time someone stopped him from hunting a human when he felt the smell of blood was back in Russia and it was Éléonore.

Louis closed his eyes remembering. He didn’t bother looking who had helped him now he just wanted to remember Éléonore… It was almost as if he could feel her soft skin touching his arm. He could almost smell her incredible scent. He closed his eyes harder, breathing in a heavy breath. She felt so close to him.

Lost in his thought with his eyes closed Louis soon was interrupted by someone throwing a punch right at his cheek. It didn’t hurt of course but his eyes shot open. To his surprise he was looking in to those familiar brown irises.

She was here?! Éléonore was the girl that stopped me from killing Zayn!

“Shut your mouth Louis, I’ll tell you what I’m doing here soon. A thank you would serve me right at the moment.” Éléonore said and got up from over Louis’ body.

“Th-thank y-you” Louis stuttered and sat up. He looked around. Harry, Liam and Zayn was still there looking at him and El. So he wasn’t dreaming.

“Um, lads. This is Éléonore.” Louis introduced.

“You must be One Direction.” El said and looked at the boys.

“We were but yes.” Harry said. “And you’re the girl Louis and I just talked about?”

“Well I don’t know about which girl you two were talking about but it might be, if it weren’t Louis’ girlfriend you talked about?”

“Louis doesn’t have a girlfriend. I haven’t seen her since before we left for tour. She hasn’t bothered to participate in anything since he disappeared.” Liam explained.

Everyone looked very confused and everything was just so strange.

“Okay, Friday, Doncaster, see you there Louis! Seems like you two have some things to work out.” Zayn said.

“I’m sorry for being a vampire Zayn. You must all know that you have to be careful around me even if it’s only a drop of blood.” Louis apologized.

“We understand, Louis don’t worry. Thanks for saving me El, nice to meet you.” Zayn smiled at El.

“Maybe we will meet you again some time when you and Louis have cleared the air.” Liam said. They waved and walked to their car.

“Why did you come back? How did you find me?” Louis asked and walked up to El. She backed away but Louis grabbed her and pulled her down to his lap.

“Turns out two people that don’t like to talk can’t get along. Mads and I annoyed each other all the time. I left directly because I missed you. So I decided to get involved in drama and let you explain.” She explained.

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now