Chapter 6

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This is almost 7 pages in Word, so I hope it's really long :)

Chapter 6:

Louis almost prayed to god that it would be Niall answering the phone and that he would be alright. He waited and waited but there was no answer. 

“Please, please, please." Louis mumbled as he barely dared to move. 

"Louis?!" Niall breathed in to the phone as he finally answered. 

"Niall!" Louis said exceedingly happy. "How are you?" 

"Um... Alright? Did you speak to Alexis before? What did she say?" Niall wanted to tell his friend everything but he wasn't sure if he could. 

"Yeah Italked to the crazy girl and Niall, I'm a vampire too, that's why I left." Louis explained. 

"That explains so much! We missed you so badly!" Niall said with a pain voice as he remembered the sad looks on his best-friends faces.

"I know! But Niall, we can' t go back to them. I told them I wouldn't come back..." Louis felt guilty but being a vampire wasn’t a choice that he made.

"I guess we have no choice." Niall let out a sigh.

"What is it that I heard about you killing yourself?!" Louis accused harshly, he didn’t want to loose his now only friend.

"Louis, I don't want to live like this! I don't want to kill people!" 

"I understand that Niall but you don't have to kill people! Animal blood tastes just as good. Humans are animals too remember?" Louis chuckled. He felt relief by the fact that Niall was well and that he could talk about his new life with someone he had known for a long time. 

"Really?! Is that so? I guess I have to go and try that."  Immediately Niall felt hope, maybe he could live a pretty normal life after all…

"Niall you have to get out of the city, Hollywood hills aren't a very good hiding spot!" 

"Where are you then?" Niall asked.

"I'm in north Russia. There is snow everywhere but bears do taste so delicious." A flash of Éléonore killing a huge bear flashed his mind. He obviously was very attracted to her, without completely realizing it. "El and I can go to the states though, if you want to. Seems like you pal wasn't too fancy about leaving her precious America."

"Sounds all right, who's El?"

"She's a vampire too! She's amazing; don't ever tell her I said that though. Before you meet you must know that she's very much a loner. Days pass where she doesn't say a word or interact with me." Éléonore had moved away from the park since their awkward almost-kiss and to let him speak to Niall in private. Therefore Louis could say whatever he wanted to about her. He longed to meet Niall so that he could tell his friend about the confusion he felt about her.

"Quiet girl? She's all your man. Where do you suggest us going here in America?"

"Anywhere. Just make sure you head far North where not many people live, maybe Northern Canada would be best. Cover all you tracks. In this society people actually get suspicious when they find bodies drained of blood."

"Okay, big-brother, I think I know how to take care of myself." Niall laughed at Louis' ways of always over-explaining things to him. His voice got a bit lower as he asked: "Should I bring Alexis with me or not? She kind of annoying me already."

"Hey! I'm right here! I can hear every word you're saying to each-other!" Alexis called out where she stood next to Niall. 

"Dump her if you want. I don't care. I guess she can take care of herself since she's a vampire." Louis said. 

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now