Chapter 7

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Sorry for the long wait but I've been very busy with a huge project for school. Here's the new chapter and it's 7 pages in Word so it should be long! :D 

Chapter 7

Niall hung up the phone with Louis and stared at Alexis with intense eyes. This girl had done nothing good for him at all. All she had done was coming to his hotel and screamed at him. Then she also had forced him to drink blood from an innocent man.  

"So basically it was Louis that saved me?" Niall said as he walked closer to Alexis. 

"Yup..." She admitted silently. 

"So you've done nothing but bad things for me? Why were you so angry with me at the hotel?" He continued to confront.

"Because you're a little c*nt." Alexis argued.

“What? Why are you so mad? What have I done? I would like to know why you're being a bitch to me!” Niall said loudly but like always he stayed calm.  

"You don't remember me?" She said steadily.

“I can't recall that I have ever met a vampire before."

“It was before, backstage at your concert? You called me all kinds of names!" Alexis yelled at him. 

"I don't call people names." Niall said and thought back, he never had called anyone... Oh... Right, it was that girl once…

"I thought there was something familiar with you." Niall said and his angry eyes were back once again.

"So is there something you want to say?" Alexis asked him.

"If it's a sorry you're looking for then I don't have it. What I said you deserve. I'm surprised you still haven't realized that the words I said are true and you should change yourself."

"I don't need to change myself. I like myself." She said with confident.

"You know what? I don't even understand why I'm having this conversation with you. I don't have the energy to stand here and argue. I'm heading off now, I want to see Louis. I would very much appreciate you staying here and keep of my sight for the rest of my life." 

Alexis didn't know what to say back. Maybe he was right? Maybe she had been an annoying bitch...

For now she let Niall wander off down the hills to wherever he was heading. 

- - -

Niall wore a pair of sunglasses on so he wouldn’t burn his eyes while he walked in the warm LA sun. The hills were surrounded by houses on all sides further down. Everywhere people were walking and riding horses on the trails; he could feel the smell and hear the sound of bodies filled with blood moving. (I’ve ridden in the hills! It's amazing, just saying!)

On the top he stood on he had a good look over Hollywood. His sight was so good he could see all the people moving down there. He it was an amazing sight and he took it all in before he started walking in the other direction – east – away from the ocean. He sneaked behind trees and ran fast, making sure absolutely no one could see him. The chances of that person recognizing him could be rather big. He came down to Burbank which he quickly ran through the streets. Soon he was over another huge set of hills and before him was only plain land. Now that he was out of the city he ran north.

Niall only had one meal ever since he became a vampire; he knew he needed more soon. But since Louis had said that it was possible to drink any kind of animal blood he now had an easier way to survive.

He finally got out of the desert-like landscape. It now was small hills everywhere and trees giving shadows. A few palm-trees could still be seen here and there though. He was somewhere in north-east California. He thought he could find a wild animal to eat somewhere but he couldn’t smell anything. Instead he decided to try one of the cows walking freely in the land.

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now