Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

Louis and Éléonore continued their long journey during talking. But it was only Louis talking. He talked aimlessly about old times with the boys and he told her jokes.

“God, Louis, do you ever shut up?" El growled loudly between her teeth.

"Sorry." Louis mumbled and he felt a bit ashamed. Usually he read her body-language to know when he should shut up, because he didn't want to piss her off, but he had gotten carried away now. After their kiss he was so happy and just couldn't stop talking. That's just how he works. When he's happy he talks. He also thought he couldn’t piss her off anymore. He thought they had something after their making out in the house, obviously not…

He decided to stay quiet for the rest of the day. That would be for the best. Better to stay on her good side. Other wise he might never be allowed to kiss her again.


Meanwhile a few miles off, Niall and Alexis had been staying for many days. Their journey to Canada had taken a much shorter time then it had for Louis and Éléonore. They got along better now but Niall was scared of her. She had a bad temper - she had no patience at all and she drank pretty much uncontrollably. At least she was still nice and fetched a human for him everyday. Niall knew she was drinking when she was away and sometimes she disappeared more then twice á day. He just stayed in the deep forest. Since he had nothing better to do he took long walks around the area. Actually he rather walked then run with his vampire-speed, he wasn’t hurrying anywhere. He was patrolling the area to see if he could find any trace of Louis.

Since Alexis had traced Niall after he left Los Angeles she knew that vampires had a special scent. She said he would know whenever he came across the smell. That was true. Niall came across a pretty extraordinary scent one day. It smelled like an old wooden house, with a hint of human but the smell of the most beautiful flowers dominated the scent.

“Louis!" Niall exclaimed and quickly ran after the track of the smell. Then he heard the silent sound of someone walking. It didn't take him many minutes until he could see a figure in the distance. "Louis!" He called once more and the person turned around.

Louis embraced his friend in a bear-hug and he could stop smiling. His best mate was here with him and suddenly a lot of the anxiety he had felt was vanished.

"I love you, little leprechaun!" Louis laughed.

"Love you too sass-master!" Niall smiled back at Louis as they loosened the grip around each-other.

"Niall! I heard you run away, did Louis arrive?” They heard a voice called from a distance. Soon an unfamiliar girl stood in front of Louis. El kept herself in the back-ground as she really weren't in the mood of talking to anyone. She knew she wouldn't like these two people anyway.

"Yes, Alexis, Louis is here." Niall said in a slight annoying tone.

"Hey! I recognize you! I've met you before." Louis said and he had no idea how he could possibly remember one single fan from the millions he had seen. But this one had been different. She hadn't treated anyone with respect.

"No nice memories showed up in your mind hue?" Alexis asked and Louis just nodded. She turned to El, slightly irritated by the fact that Louis had brought a girl. She had enjoyed the thought of having two boys all to herself.

"Who are you?" She spatted at her. Éléonore didn't answer. Instead she let out a loud sigh and walked off in another direction.

"Best not to say anything to her unless spoken to." Louis suggested and Niall nodded in agreement while Alexis glared after El. "Trust me, you don't want to get on her wrong side, she's strong and have some serious skills." Louis explained with a smile.

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now