Chapter 11 (part one)

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// I'm Sorry to only post one half of a chapter again but it's better than nothing :) I'm just really busy, life you know ;) hope you understand and have patients. I will never stop in the middle of a story so don't worry! //

Recap from previous chapter:

“I'm what you would call a creator. I created all of you."


 Chapter Eleven - Part one

The four of them stood watching the newcomer with curious eyes.

"Why?" Niall demanded angrily and moved closer, realizing how much he hated the person in front of him.

"Take it easy. I'm much stronger than you. I've been a vampire for 200 years." He warned and Niall stayed back. "I will answer all of your questions after you've done what I want you to do." The vampire spoke English with an accent saying that he was probably from Germany originally.

"So there's no way out? I'm like this forever?" Niall analysed what the creator has said about his 200 year long life.

"You're a dead creature Niall. I killed you when you became a vampire. It's rather hard to die twice.”

Everyone stayed quiet.

"You will do as I say. You will fight with me." The creator said.

"What do you mean fight?" El asked.

"You see I've gotten in a bit of trouble and I created you so that you would help me." He started to explain. "Mind if I get the others now? I wanted to introduce myself before so I didn't scare you off. I'm Thomas."

The four, now pretty scared vampires tensed as they heard footsteps through the forest. Many footsteps and soon more vampires were in sight and gathered together with them. Thomas stood in front of them all.

"All of you know that I am powerful. I can see where you are all and I can look into your minds. I even can see the future. I'm stronger and faster than all of you; so you can't fight against me even if you group up. So you will fight with me or your loved ones will be harmed. Everyone know the reasons, you do too Louis, El, Alexis and Niall. Éléonore, you can fight it all you want, but you're in love with Louis. And Louis, you wouldn't want to hurt Niall? And Alexis you have such strong feelings for Niall? Not to mention your families you got back home. Well not Alexis…"

They remained quiet. It was almost embarrassing for them that Thomas blurted out their feelings for each-other in front of the other vampires – twelve complete strangers.

"So, you have to do what I want you to. And I need you to fight on my side, and then you'll know why exactly you were created. Again, if you don't do what I say - you will be punished. You all have someone to protect." Thomas looked everyone harshly in their eyes, one by one, making sure they understood the meaning of his words. "Alright, we're not far from the place we will fight in. You all can just stay here over the night and we'll go there tomorrow morning." 

Thomas left everyone. All together it was 16 vampires gathered. The place was too crowded and Éléonore retreated to her hiding spot right away. She could still hear everyone talking and doing stuff and she was very annoyed by it, all she wanted was to read her freaking book in a quite space. 

She sat there annoyed during a few hours, trying to concentrate on her book until she was interrupted. She suspected that it was Louis and didn't look up right away. But it wasn't Louis. 

"Oops, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you, I just wanted to get away from the others and then I saw this tree and I thought what a great place to hide. I'll go, bye. Sorry." Éléonore looked up at the stranger. He had black straight hair, hanging long almost down to his shoulders, his eyes grey and shy. 

The Chosen Ones (A 1D vampire fan fiction with Louis and Niall)Where stories live. Discover now