That's A Problem!

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'Shit! Shit! Shit!' Marvin cursed in his head, carrying an unconscious small version of Anti in his arms, 'This couldn't look fooking worse! A grown man in a cape and make-up running around town with an unconscious 'child' in his arms. It'll be a miracle if somebody doesn't call the cops!'

Marvin had forgotten in his panic that he could teleport and was busying himself screaming in his own head.

He didn't know what the hell he was doing but anything was better than leaving him in the streets to throw a tantrum when he woke up. He didn't want to know what KIND of tantrum he'd pull, either.

It didn't take long for him to get back to the house amid his crazy thoughts and heart attack.

Now he just had to explain to his brothers.

What fun this would be.

When Marvin finally reached the front door, though . . . .

He realized just how fucked up this looked. He was the one, after all, that told everyone they shouldn't stoop to Anti's level. They all made an agreement not to kill him.

However . . . . Marvin had his doubts with Jackie whether or not he'd actually follow through with that. And Chase was a wild card. He couldn't only really count on Henrik and Jameson not to kill him. But they wouldn't kill him as a child, would they? Not even Jackie . . . .

Honestly, he really wasn't sure.

"Fuck . . .this wasn't how today was supposed to go . . .little fucker" he growled down at him. Looking around, Marvin quickly made up his mind. He had to break it to them all gently.


So he threw Anti's unconscious body in the front bushes.

Marvin hissed to himself, feeling a little guilty for that until he remembered it was Anti, 'I guess that's payback for breaking my previous mask, asshole'

Gulping, Marvin wiped off his sweat he didn't know his body had secreted and knocked on the door sort of rapidly.

'What am I doing?! I can just walk in! I fooking LIVE here!' but it was too late for changes as Chase answered the door.

"Dude . . . . the hell you doing?" Chase was equally as confused.

'I could ask myself the same fucking thing' Marvin thought to himself.

But cleared his throat instead, "Uh . . . . I decided to walk back"

Chase nodded, sensing something was definitely off right away, "Yeah . . okay. And where's the part?"


"The part, Marv" Chase sighed, "For the washer? The one you went out to get in the first place?" the father rolled his eyes, "Uh! Please don't tell me you forgot and stopped at another bookshop again? Your room is a fooking library as it is!"

"OH!" Marvin chuckled nervously, "aH! Yeah! The PART! . . . ." He shrugged, "Turns out . . . . there were homophobes there that tried to harass me. I'll swing by another time"

Chase's looked suddenly appeared concerned, "Oh, man. Dude, you okay?" he rubbed his shoulder, "Look, it's alright. You don't have to go to the hardware store anymore. I'll just have Henrik swing by on his way home, bro"

"Did you really not realize I've been home all day?"

They both turned to see the doctor standing behind Chase sipping on some coffee.

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