No More Espresso for Anti

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Anti decided to go with the flow for now.

But that didn't mean he wasn't going to make their lives as miserable as he could.

Anti woke up cuddled into the couch covered in the blankets Chase threw on him. At first he had wanted to toss them back into his face but he was also cold so he begrudgedly hid himself away under them.

He also really wanted to annoy Jackie and what better way than to accept the other's attention.

Anti HATED being an actual child but then again, he was finding out pretty quickly that it had its perks. For one: The other egos turned soft towards him because of it. If he were an adult trapped in there with them, they'd surely all be against him and Jackie might even kill him without remorse.

Yeah, it was okay for now to be a kid.

Then again, there were also a couple downsides. One being that Chase and Henrik thought they could tell him what to do all the time. Two, Jameson and Marvin had the WEIRD tendency to baby him somehow or treat him pitifully. Probably because it was Marvin's fault in general that he was like this. And that pissed Anti off royally.

It seemed Jackie was the only one who didn't give him special treatment.

And what was that smirk he gave him every so often?


Anyway, Anti was buried in the blanket Chase provided, too comfy to move anywhere and he wouldn't.

He heard footsteps stomping around symbolizing that someone was up.

He didn't expect for his feet to be knocked off the couch, though.

"Oof! Hey!" Anti popped out of the blankets to see Jackie glaring at him, "What'd you do that for!? I was sleeping, asshole!"

"No you weren't. I could hear your breathing. The news is on, anyway and I'm watching it" Jackie leaned back on the couch and turned on the TV, not giving a fuck if Anti was murdering him with his eyes.

But before he could scream at the hero, he smelt something in the air.

'What is that?' he sniffed the air again like an animal, not realizing Jackie was staring at him like he was a fucking wacko.

"The hell are you doing?"

Anti glared at him again, "I smell something. Not that it's any of your business"

The hero rolled his eyes, "Chase is making breakfast. Told him to just give YOU oatmeal"

"Fucking prick"

"Takes one to know one I guess"

Anti rolled his eyes but hopped off the couch, throwing the blanket over Jackie's face before bolting towards the kitchen.

"You little fucker!"

But Anti made the right decision to run and hide behind in front of Chase who was at the stove.

"What'd you do, little dude?"

Anti stuck his tongue out at him, "Fucking nothing! He just hates me"

"Well yeah and most of the time, you deserve it." Chase started to crack a bunch of eggs in the skillet, "How you like your eggs?"

Once Anti felt safe, he finally moved away from the fatherly ego but made a grossed out face, "I don't eat eggs"

"You allergic?"

"Pft. Fuck no. They're just gross"

"It's good protein for a growing boy" Chase snickered, "I'll make some scrambled for ya with some extra butter."

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