A Soft Spot?

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Chase was currently running after a small Anti around the living room yelling.

"Get back here! Just try 'em on, dude!"

"NO! Get away from me!"

"Come on! It's not that bad!"

"NO! You can't make me!" Anti leaped over the couch, only to crash flat on the floor.

Chase was quick to hover over him, "But they fit you! I know they do! Now put it on!"

Anti laid on his back trying to scoot away, "I'm not some fucking doll you can play dress-up with, you freak! Get it away from me!"

He kicked Chase in the face, knocking him back on the floor as well.

"It's just a shirt!"

"It's fucking yellow! I HATE yellow!"

Chase growled, "Little shit- Laundry day is tomorrow! Can't ya just put up with it for today?"

"NO!" Anti tried to bolt again but suddenly started to float in the air, "Hey what the fuck?!"

"Need help here, Chase?" Marvin smirked, walking in, ruffling Anti's hair while he was floating.

Chase sighed, "If ya could. Don't have any other clothes clean that'll fit him."

The magician raised a brow at the shirt, "Yeah it definitely doesn't suit him. How about this instead?"

He flicked his wrist and suddenly the shirt in Chase's hands turned a bright red, "That better?"

Chase hummed suspiciously, "Not from your black magic book again, right?"

" .. .. no"

But the exhausted father seemed to buy it for now, "Okay. How about now, Anti? You can't just run around half-naked all day"

"Why not? Side-kick does"

Marvin snorted, "JACKIE . . . . is always working out and doesn't want to get all his clothes sweaty. YOU have no excuse" he then addressed Chase again, "Why not just go to the mall and get him more clothes? Then you wouldn't have this problem"

Chase shrugged, " . . . . lazy?"

"Sounds right." Marvin snickered and dropped Anti on the ground, using magic to force the shirt on him, "All good?"

Anti glared death at them both but instead of yelling more, he just ran off to the kitchen. Probably to try and steal more brownies that Jameson had made for them all.

Chase groaned, "Man, it's like having a teenager. Hope my kids don't get to be like this"

Marvin just shrugged, "Look, if you want, I can go and get him more clothes. I honestly don't know how long it'll be until he changes back. Don't tell Jackie I said that"

"I won't . . . .. But I hope it won't be much longer. He might not act like it but I think he's really starting to get depressed. I know that look in his eyes better than anyone."

"Maybe he's . .. homesick"

"Maybe" Chase grit his teeth, "Fucking Jackie . . . he never thinks before he acts. What the hell are we gonna do when he DOES go back to normal?"

"I don't know. No sense worrying about it now, though. I'll head out and get those clothes. I'll borrow Jackie's card for good measure, huh?"

"Alright. Don't worry about that part yet until this weekend. I'll go myself and get a new one since you left the other one on the street before. I don't want you going back in that fucking store"

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