Tor's breakfast tried to force itself up and out of his throat, alas it failed. The scent of the boy vampire wafted out of the box and into the room. Tor covered his mouth as his eyes remained on the jar of blood, floating inside was an eye. A blue eye with a red ring around the iris.
Alex peered into the box and gagged as he leaned away, "What sick person have you pissed off, my friend?"
Tor didn't move his gaze from thed jar, "I haven't pissed anyone off. Gazelle is being a sick son of a bitch."
Charlie reached forward, Tor's hand clamped down on Charlie's wrist, "Charles, do not touch this. "
Charlie pulled his hand back. He sighed in frustration, "Well, Tray, how can I help then?"
As if being reminded, Tor's body convulsed. Coughing, Tor clamped his hand over his mouth as his coughs turned bloody.
Alex patted his back, Charlie leaned back and watched. Charlie cracked a smirk, "Are you sure you are alright, Traitor? As you like to think of yourself." His eyes softened, his voice turned apologetic, "You know... it wasn't your fault right, Tray?"
Tor pushed the chair back and grabbed the jar, marching away from the man he thought he could trust. His patience worn thin. He didn't see Charlie after that morning.
Deciding to pick up a new hobby, he picked up a morning paper. Staring back from the front page was a familiar scarred face. Scarred with stormy gray eyes.
Found dead yesterday morning!
Tor's eyes widen and he lifts his gaze. Focused on the large brick building. His phone buzzed. No box flashed across the screen.
His mind brought him back to the thought of blue eyes and black hair.
Zel. Gazelle.
Tor sighed. He took a swig of whiskey and winced. It burned its way down his throat. His thoughts brought him back to the same image it has been for the last few weeks. Blue eyes with a red ring around the iris and shaggy blond hair. He chugged the whiskey, trying to get his mind off the boy.
That's what he was doing at the building, watching for signs. There weren't any signs, at least none that he was seeing.
Tor stretched his body, nearly knocking over the bottle of whiskey next to him. A whistle caught his attention, he glanced up.
Tor sighed as he saw a woman climb into a taxi. He felt his throat constrict, wearily he leaned against the air vent behind him. His eyes focused on the building.
The door to the brick building flew open...