"Tick, tock, your time is running out. Five hours left." Zel's voice echoed through the phone's speaker.
The line went dead.
Tor sighed and set the phone down. His eyes locked on Caspian's frail body, covered in sweat and shivering.
His lips quivering and body shaking.
His head burning to the touch.Star gazed straight ahead. Her voice quiet enough that Tor had to strain his ears to hear, "What was he talking about, Tor? What is wrong? What haven't you told us?"
Tor sighed again, he knew there was no way out now. He tilted his head back, "I'm dying, Star. I've been dying ever since I was born. I wasn't turned, I was born this way. My mum was human. Pops loved her and they killed him for it. She was pregnant when they took him from us. Pregnant with me. I'm half human. The vampire is killing my humanity. "
Star's gaze focused on Tor, "I'm sorry, Tor. I can't imag-"
Tor's voice grew harsh, "It's fine, Star. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm not telling Jinxx," his gaze met Star's, "you won't either."
Caspian coughing interrupted them, Star held the boy's small bony hand. Tor pushed himself up and retrieves a water bottle for Caspian. Tor hands the bottle to Star without a word. Star leans the boy's head up and helps him drink the water. Coughs wrack through the boy's small body, the water spews from his mouth.
Tor curses, "Dammit! Kid, why did this happen?"
Caspian's eyes peeked open, they were bloodshot. The red ring around the iris took up most of the white. His hand reached out to Tor, shaking violently.
Tor's eyes widen and he grips the boy's hand tightly, tears rolling from his eyes. He looked at Star, "We need to let Jinxx know. "
Star nods and reaches for her phone, typing in a number she lifts it to her ear and listens. The call goes to voicemail each time.
"The caller you are trying to reach is unreachable. Please try again later."
Star sighs, "It's going to voicemail, Tor."
Tor groans, "Dammit Jinxx. The kid is dying. Don't you care?"
Tor sinks onto the couch and before he can react he is on the floor. He is coughing up small puddles of blood, the vampire is winning against humanity.
Star's eyes widen as she watches the scene unfold. One friend on the couch dying and one on the floor. No hope for either.
A knock sounds through the house...