Zel awakes, his wrists bound above his head. His back hurts, his head aches painfully. He moves his head before letting it flow back when he screams in pain.
The room is shrouded in darkness, a door opens. A silhouette stands in the doorway. The unrecognizable voice echoes from the form, "You are finally awake. Welcome back to the land of the living, Gazelle. Or should I call you Jackson?"
Zel grits his teeth. His voice raw, "Don't call me that name."
The form shakes with its laughter, "Shut up, Jack. I'll call you what I wish. Now then, since you did such a good job at making enemies with your friends no one will be looking for you. Soko will be ecstatic about you being gone. The little fart doesn't even need to hang around long."
Zel wanted to turn and look at his surroundings but his head hurt. His shoulders ached from the strange angle they have been in for who knows how long. Zel knew he was going to die, it was only a matter of time.
The Voice spoke again, "Don't worry, Jack, he'll be here soon. Just wait."
The overhead light flipped on, Zel screamed out in agony. "TURN IT OFF!!"
The Voice laughed and stepped out of the room, leaving Zel to scream. Alone.
Zel tried to open his eyes but it hurt too much for him. A sudden noise caused Zel to jump, it was close to his right. He tried to turn and look but it was no use, he couldn't. A raw voice comes from the direction of the noise, "Shut up."
Zel tried to move but it makes his shoulders ache and hurt. Zel gives in and leans against the cold wall.
Hours later, the metal door scrapes on the stone floor, "Rise and shine, Jack. Mac, I hope you have been nice."
The rattling of metal on stone sounds from Zel's right and a grunt. Footsteps approaches the other prisoner, the boy screams. The new voice laughs, "Mac, shut it. You are supposed to be the role model."
The footsteps approach Zel, Zel can feel the breath of the stranger on his face. "Open your eyes, Jack."
Zel, painfully, slides his eyes open. The form infront of him is one he has been wishing to see once more. The shaggy gray hair and golden pupils stare at Zel. A smile on his lips. "You've been a naughty boy, Jack."