Blaze pulls Jinxx over him, tilts his head up to place his lips against her. Jinxx's hands find purchase against Blaze's shoulders, effectively pinning him. Blaze's lips turn up and his hands trace up Jinxx's sides.
A brown wolf bursts through the brush, quickly letting out a howl before turning. Jinxx pulls back from the kiss, Blaze causally smiles as he turns his head.
The brown wolf growls in irritation. Blaze chuckles, "Now, now, Cody you know to knock."
Cody jerks his head to the side and sneers. Jinxx lays her head on Blaze's chest, her eyes watch Cody as he moves. Blaze's arms tighten around Jinxx, "Cody, I'll be there in a little while. I'm not gonna protect you if you linger any longer."
Cody's eyes dart to Jinxx and he clears away. Jinxx bares her fangs, eyes flashing blood red. Blaze chuckles, watching Cody cower. Cody bares his neck in submisson. Blaze's eyes close, "It's alright Cody, she isn't gonna be here long. Mysty, I mean." His eyes dart to Jinxx, grinning. "Now this one though. She's gonna be here for a while, Cody."
Without another sound, Cody turns and trots away. Blaze sighs and presses his lips against Jinxx's for a moment. His eyes lock on hers, "We've got something to take care of. Mysty is dead set on Cody. She knew him as a child and now she wants his heart. We've got a cretin we need to get rid of."
Jinxx grins, her eyes lighting up with anticipation, "Let's get bloody."
Blaze raises an eyebrow, "Well let's go, Baby."
Jinxx grins and rolls off of Blaze, who pushes himself up and then helps Jinxx to her feet. Blaze grasps Jinxx's hand and pulls her towards the pack, opposite of the way Cody went. The pack ground is in an uproar. The silhouette of a lady racing around as if looking for something. The wild young red wolf races around snapping and growling at people.
A ferocious growl rips from Blaze's chest. The young wolf skids to a halt and looks up, snarling. Mysty turns to stare down the Alpha and Luna, "Welcome back to the living. Where is he?"
Blaze's eyes darken, his nose flares in anger. His voice is controlled and his tone snipped, "You need to leave. Now."
Mysty's lips lift up into a smirk, "Now, now, we don't need to get hasty. I'm here for m-"
Jinxx steps forward, her eyes blazing red. She bares her fangs at the form of the lady, "Shut up. You don't want me to get mad. You won't be happy. You need to leave. Cody isn't here and he, for sure, isn't your mate."