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Blaze pulls Jinxx to his chest, smiling towards the sunrise.
Jinxx glances at her mate, eyes filled with love and adoration. She snuggles into the warmth radiating from his body, enveloping her form. She turns to Blaze and leans forward. Blaze tilts his head a little, pressing his lips to his mate's. The two stand their for a moment, taking turns to battle for dominance in the kiss. In the end, they pull away to breathe. Their eyes lock on the other's pair of orbs, drawing them in. Their lips meet again and again, passion and love passing between them. The sparks that happen every time they kiss drives them towards kissing. By the time they pull away and look at each other, the sun is half the way to the high point of the day.

Jinxx looks at her mate, grinning. Her voice softens, "You know, we could do this all day."

The thought brings a smile to Blaze's face, "Baby, I could do this all day if I wanted. "

Jinxx grinned and leaned against her mate. Blaze tightened his arms around Jinxx and pulled her against him.

The soft green grass pressed against their feet, the scent of rain heavy in the air. The two turn their heads up to stare at the sky, clouds covering the sun. The white clouds reached out to each other and the horizon. Jinxx turned to Blaze, smiling. "We should get back before the rain hits."

Blaze nodded and turned his head, a distant howl distracting him. Through the trees, the sound traveled. Blaze's ears picked up the sound easily, Jinxx picks up the sound and turns to her mate. Her eyes hooded, "What is it?"

Blaze glances at Jinxx and smiles lightly, "It's nothing to worry about, Baby."

Jinxx nods, not noting the longer howl that followed. She leans forward and presses her lips to her mate's.

The sound of twigs snapping causes the two's attention to snap towards the trees. A medium sized gray wolf burst through the trees, eyes wild.

Blaze shoves Jinxx behind him, growling. His eyes darken and he positions himself to strike. Jinxx wraps her arm around his waist and leans against his back, trying to calm him.

The wolf's head jerks toward Blaze and Jinxx, his eyes darken as he looks at the two. A fierce growl ripples through the wolf's body. Blaze motions to the trees, the wolf looks between the two then trots to the woods. Minutes later a form returns.

Clothed and covered, a stranger steps from the shadows. Her eyes wild, her blond hair is down to her waist. Her hastily assembled shirt and jeans hang comfily from her shoulders. She opens her mouth to speak when a sound interrupts her. A younger and smaller red wolf emerges.

The stranger stands infront of it, keeping it from their view. The younger wolf, with red eyes, peers from behind the stranger.

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