Chapter 11- The train

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Chapter 11: The Train

After the girls had finished their McDonalds, they spent about an hour walking around town before they found an information centre. Fortunately it was still open and the girls established that they were in a small town called Chaman. Unfortunately; they worked out that they were on the opposite coast of Amaria from Toulon, the location of their beach house. The sun was setting, so they decided to find somewhere to stay for the night.

Using the maps they had acquired, they found a small motel a block away.

Getting a room had been troublesome as the motel staff hadn’t been willing to give a room to a bunch of teenagers with nothing but cash, but money speaks for itself, and they got a room for the night.


Hazel turned off the shower, wrapping one of the white towels around her thin figure. She dried herself off before slipping her clothes back on. Drying her hair as she walked, she made her way across the room and sat down on one of the beds.

Alice lay on another of the three beds in the room, staring at the ceiling. They had been given the ‘family room’ at the motel which consisted of three rooms- a lounge area, a bedroom and a bathroom. The bedroom had three beds, a wardrobe and a few little bedside desks and the lounge had a kitchenette, table and chairs, couch, TV and fourth bed. Hazel lay down on the bed beside Alice and could hear Melanie and Aimee talking softly in the other room.

The motel had provided body wash, shampoo, conditioner, a comb and a toothbrush with toothpaste. These supplies provided the girls with what they needed as they had nothing of their own.  They had all had a shower and were feeling refreshed.

Hazel was hit with a wave of exhaustion as she crawled under the sheets of the bed. She fell asleep not even noticing she was still wearing jeans.


The next morning the girls congregated around the table in the motel room.

“So where to next?” Alice asked.

“To the beach house I’m guessing,” Melanie answered.

“How do we get there?” Aimee asked. “By bus like last time?”

“I’ve heard there’s a good train system. It should take us all the way across the country,” Hazel said.

“Go by train then? Probably the best way to avoid attention,” Aimee said.

It was agreed. By that afternoon the four girls had made their way to a train station and were boarding the 5 o’clock train to Toulon.


The train chugged along the track towards the destination.

Hazel, Aimee, Melanie and Alice sat in one of the compartments. Hazel looked around the compartment. Melanie had found a magazine to read and Alice was staring out the window. Aimee had found a pillow and was sleeping against a wall.

Hazel couldn’t blame her. The relaxing motion of the train made her want to fall asleep too.

Hazel’s stomach growled and she realised they hadn’t eaten since twelve and, judging by the clock on the wall, it was well past seven.

She stood up and walked over to the compartment door.

“I’m going to the dining car. No point in us starving,” she said. “You guys want me to bring back anything?”

“I’ll come with you,” Alice said standing.

“Bring anything vegetarian please,” Melanie said.

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