Chapter 9- In trouble again

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Chapter 9: In Trouble Again

Taking shifts with driving, the trucks carried on down the road. They only had an advantage of a few hours before people would come looking. The noise shield would have worn off by now, meaning the shrieking sirens would have woken them. Hazel could picture what would happen; waking up in the middle of the night to sirens blaring, to find all the girls gone, trucks stolen and guards tied up or knocked out. They would have sent out a group of people to follow the tracks of the trucks, and they would be approaching, getting closer and closer by the passing hour.

Eventually they approached a town. Mercedi had definitely chosen a place far away from everything to put his facility. They parked the truck before they reached the first houses and walked in to not raise as much suspicion if they were seen. The town wasn’t too big so they didn’t have to walk far before they got into the town centre. As Hazel walked into the town, the salty smell of the sea filled the air. They were on the coast, and in a small bay ahead of them sat a large cruise ship. Just their luck.

The town was asleep and everything was closed for the night. Hazel guessed it was about two in the morning. The town was dark except for the dim light cast from the streetlamps and the occasional lit up exit sign coming from inside a shop.

Hazel found a travel agency and opening the door, disabled the alarms. She went over to one of the computers.  Hazel felt bad for breaking in but when you’re running for your life, she didn’t think it mattered. She managed to secure everyone a spot on the ship bound to leave tomorrow for Calamar, the closest country to Amaria.

She turned the alarms back on and crept out, locking the door behind her. She found a cash machine and forced it to give out enough money for everyone so all the girls had something to pay for extra necessities on the trip and hopefully help them start anew. Her mind powers definitely came in handy. She went back to the group standing on the water front. She hoped no one noticed the group of a hundred girls, for it would raise unwanted suspicion.  She gave out the money, the tickets and explained the plan.

The large group of girls snuck onto the cruise ship at ten past five in the morning. The large group split into smaller groups, the telepaths and girls with flight or teleportation helping the others get on board.

Two girls stood on the coast line, silhouetted against the dawn of the new morning, watching as the last girls climbed aboard.

Alice and Hazel turned and walked away. They headed towards where the trucks were parked outside the town. They climbed into the back of the truck to where Aimee sat with Melanie. They couldn’t leave on the cruise ship with Melanie in the state she was, so the three teenagers decided to stay.

“Where’s India?” Aimee asked.

“She wanted to go with everyone, start anew,” Hazel replied.

 “How is she?” Hazel continued, gesturing to Melanie.

“She’s disappearing and fast,” Aimee answered, her face showing the worry that she felt. “What do we do?”

“Sunlight, she needs sunlight,” Hazel remembered. “We have to move her outside. The sun’s just coming up so we’re in luck.”

Aimee and Alice lifted Melanie carefully and brought her out of the truck. Just as they were about to lay her down, the roar of motors came over the hill. Peering against the morning sun, Hazel could make out the black cars of The Collective. They had been found. If the cars caught up to them, they would not receive a pleasant reception. The girls quickly climbed into the back of the truck and Hazel swung round into the driver’s seat. A red light flashed on the dashboard. The petrol tank was empty. The truck wouldn’t be able to take them anywhere.

“We have to go on foot; the trucks are out of petrol,” Hazel told Alice and Aimee.

“What about Melanie? We can’t carry her. We’ll get caught,” Aimee said.

“Don’t worry,” Alice said. “I have a plan.”

Alice jumped from the truck landing firmly on the ground. Alice’s body started shimmering and morphing.

Her body shifted shape, her fingers and hands curving to form hooves, her body bending over. Soon a large white mare stood before them.

Alice, now the mare, shook her head, whinnying, signalling them to get on.

Hazel and Aimee lifted Melanie and using some of Hazel’s mind power managed to get her sitting upright on Alice’s back. Aimee hoisted herself up behind Melanie to support her. Melanie had lost consciousness and lay heavily against Aimee’s chest. The trucks were getting closer. Soon they wouldn’t be able to get away.

“Don’t worry about me,” Hazel said, sensing Alice’s hesitation. Melanie needed taking to safety more than she did.

Alice, knowing there was no point in arguing with Hazel, ran off as fast as her legs would carry her.

Hazel turned around to see the black cars stop about five metres off. People jumped out and they started towards the stationary Hazel.

“Stay where you are. We don’t want to hurt you,” they called to her.

Hazel knew they didn’t mean it. The girl who wrecked the system would not be treated kindly.

Hazel’s mind raced. She had to get away…

Maybe, Alice would come back?

…The people were getting closer and closer…

 Why did she always have to see to after others first? Some people told her it was a good thing. But in situations like this? Maybe this was just desperate thinking.

…They were almost on top of her…

She couldn’t let them take her back when she had done so well getting away. What could she do? Hopefully Alice had managed to get Aimee and Melanie somewhere safe. Maybe she could come back after that? Maybe… She needed to stop thinking like this. ‘Maybe’s weren’t getting her anywhere and the people were so close now. Alice might not even be able to hear her, but she had to take her chances.

Hazel sent a mind message to Alice. A simple message of help.

-A/N- Sorry it's short. What did you think? Hope you like it so far. keep reading and comment.

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