Chapter 5- Caught

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Chapter 5: Caught

“Well,” Melanie began. “I need to collect some supplies, then I’m leaving in my boat.”

“You have a boat? Where?” Hazel asked.

“In my boat shed up the coast a bit further. That’s where I was heading before I met you two,’ Melanie said.

“Can we join you?” Aimee asked.

“Sure. If you don’t mind we could all stay at your place tonight and then get supplies in the morning, before leaving maybe in the afternoon?” Melanie suggested.

“Sounds like a plan,” Hazel said.

By now it was getting dark, so the girls headed inside.


“Come on Aimee!” Hazel shook her friend awake.

“What is it? I’m sleeping,” Aimee moaned, before turning over and groaning.

“We have to get supplies,” Hazel said. “We leave this afternoon.”

“Oh,” Aimee said, sitting up suddenly. “I forgot. I’ll be up in a second.”

When the three girls were ready, they set off into town to gather supplies.

Town was only a ten minute walk from where they were staying, so the girls decided to just go by foot. Everything went fine until they got to the supermarket. They were aware of the missing posters to find Aimee and Hazel, but they forgot to disguise themselves in some way. A woman shopping in the supermarket recognised them. She went straight to the Customer Help Desk at the back of the shop.

“May I please use your telephone?” the woman asked the shop assistant.

“Sure, here you go,” the shop assistant answered passing the phone over.

The woman took the phone and punched in a number.

“Hello, this is the Collective Help Centre. How may I help you?” the attendant on the other end asked.

“I have a case of paranormal abnormality case to report,” the woman stated.

“Would you be able to answer a few questions for me in order for us to come and deal with the situation?”

“Ask away.”

“Are they a wanted case or someone revealed?”


“Please state the wanted number. It is located on the posters.”

“Okay, I have the numbers with me, 1741 and 1742.”

 “Where are you?”

“Stop ‘n’ Shop, Toulon Shopping Complex, Clifton Road, Amaria.”

“Do you realise there is quite a large reward for these girls?”


“Yes, this will be given to you when we pick up these girls. We will need your name.”

“Lourdessa Kilda.”

“Thank you for alerting us to the situation. Please stand outside the front doors of the shop and we will be there shortly.”

The conversation ended and she heard a click as the phone was put down and the line went dead.

Lourdessa looked around the shop. Yes, the girls were still there.

Outside the shop a team of men stood ready to arrest the girls. Lourdessa stood with them. Pairs of men were positioned, guarding each exit.

Lourdessa was instructed to go inside, collect the girls and bring them outside. If they were indeed the correct two, she would be rewarded. She had been debriefed when the Paranormal Abnormality force had been, so she knew what to do and she did as she was told.

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