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It's 2021!! Wow! We survived it!

We've also got a new president, thank god. The coup sure was something else, but I'm glad that nothing worse happened. 

This month sure has been eventful! I've switched my classes because we're in second semester now, and I'm feeling (slightly) less anxious about them. I don't love any of my teachers, or any of my classes, but I hope that will change with time. 

I did my biology EOC on the 22nd. Dare I say it, it was kind of fun to go into school and see a few of my classmates that I hadn't met before. I was in room 224, and one of my friends (E) was in the room across from me. I saw Kai and R after the test (we had to wait outside and it was super fuckin cold and damp), so that was nice. I actually share at least one class with all of them (one with Kai, two with E, and three with R). 

I also went to school the next day to pick up my engineering notebook. Afterwards, I sat outside with my sister as she did some archery. I was joking that I was her squire, because whenever she'd go to fetch her arrows I'd hold her bow. About halfway through, my dad got home with some lunch he ordered (I got a chicken sandwich with fried okra), and I ate that outside while watching SC. She'd already eaten by then.

Right now in IED (Intro to Engineering Design) I'm learning about the design process. As in, I need to build a "fling machine" at home today. I really should get on that. 

On January 3rd, my therapy got moved to 11 am instead of 1 pm. So I'm doing that in about 30 minutes. 

As you have probably guessed by now, I'm procrastinating. I've got a good amount of homework I need to do, that I really don't want to do, but here we are. I'll probably do my Math and English stuff first, then my IED. 

whyyyy did I have to get all my hard classes in one semesterrrrrrrrrrr???? ?? ? ??

got fuvkign like .. . Honors Math II (why honors???) and Intro to Engineering Design and English I and... health. Health is my only not-at-all difficult class. Like, I'm confident in my English abilities, because it's what I'm good at (I'm good at reading and/or bullshitting), but the other ones.... ... . ugh. 

I'll complain more about my classes some other day, probably soon. Also, fuck you Future Me, I know you're reading this and being like "lol that was only the beginning" I KNOW. I hope you get a laugh out of this. 

Remember to drink water, and do some of your schoolwork! Do some Duo Lingo if you haven't already. Bye!!

Luv you <3

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