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Well, good news, today I feel like shit physically, too! Yay! Sarcasm!!

My stomach feels weird, and something hurts in my neck/back. I also am starting on a headache. Fun times. 

Today, we're getting brushed by a hurricane. It's not as stormy as we expected, though, so it's basically just been raining all day, and not much else has happened. Today I've been sorting through some of my stuff that we store in the basement; I've found a wealth of acorns, a piece of wood, shark teeth, some nice ribbon, two dollars, assorted jewelry, a lot of plastic Minecraft figurines, and a pen that's able to play a little car mini game. It might also be able to play Snake, if I remember correctly, although I can't remember how to change game modes. Now what's left to do is sort out the stuff I'm not keeping into donateable and trash, and figuring out where to store the stuff that I plan to keep. I'll do that later, though. 

Yesterday I played Sky with one of my friends; turns out the other dude that was going to play with us (recycling-carrot-dude) broke his finger at my friend's house- some shenanigans that involved trying to play Wii Basketball on a treadmill, than hitting his hand really hard on the ceiling. Last time I checked (as of a year and a half ago) the dude was pretty short, so I'm not entirely sure how he managed it, but maybe he got a growth spurt? Either way, he got a cast, so he won't be able to play with us for a little while.

Also, yesterday I took alllllll of the books off of my bookshelf (this is at my dad's place), sorted them, and dusted my bookshelf. A few weeks ago, I took off all of the books that I didn't want to keep in my room, packed them away, and stored them in the basement, but there were still books and various crap on my shelves so the dusting I did then wasn't super effective. Now, my bookshelf is all nice and clean! Of course, all my books are still on my floor, along with the stuff that was on my shelves. I'll deal with that later, too.

I've started (another) new anime this morning! It's called Made In Abyss (not Maiden Abyss), and I'm enjoying it so far! The art style for the backgrounds is strongly reminiscent of Castle In The Sky, and I like the characters/concept! A YouTuber I watch really likes it, which is why I started it. I'm on episode six, I think? I'll probably watch some more later, or listen to my audiobook. 

What I really want to do is write. I want to write!! There's not anything (tangible) stopping me! But I haven't written in months, and I can't bring myself to start back up again. I feel like it's probably a mix of a lack of motivation and a fear of failure, but there's also this sense of urgency to start because the longer I wait, the worse my writing is getting. I love writing, though, and take pride in it, so I hate that I'm not able to do it right now. I don't know how to start, though.

Countless things I could/need to do aside, I'm hungry. I want a snack. 

Have a good day/night, and be sure to eat a meal!

Luv you <3

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