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Well, my AC's broken.

It could be worse, all things considered. It's below 90 degrees outside, and it's like having a power outage except with still having electricity, wifi, etc. so it's not THAT bad. I'm trying to think positively, if you can't tell.

I'm not actually doing too bad, though! Well, yesterday was kind of weird; some random guy that was apparently my step-mom's friend came over for lunch, which I was NOT warned about ahead of time. I also wasn't warned about the AC being broken, although my mom and sister apparently were. They didn't think to pass along the info, I guess. Oh, also, my nose started bleeding again.

I say again because since Wednesday (it's Sunday rn), the day we got home from camping, my nose has been bleeding periodically. That SOUNDS concerning, but it started bleeding very violently on Wednesday, and it just hasn't completely healed, so if I rub my nose too much or try to blow it or anything it starts bleeding again, which is annoying. Violently, too, it goes EVERYWHERE if I'm not careful. I have managed to not get bloodstains on any of my clothes, however.

Other than the AC, random guy, and bloody nose, I'm doing pretty well! I feel pretty good (albeit hot and sweaty), especially now that I've gotten my summer work. It's math, which is gross, but I expected that and I'm just glad that I'm finally able to start on it. I haven't started on it, but it's the thought that counts. I'll just be happy to finally get my schedule, then I'm all good.

Talking about my schedule, I've actually emailed my counselor about class registration. I did it right before I started this entry, and I'm basically just asking about whether I'll be able to switch out certain classes, and if she knows when we'll get our schedules. I'd like to apply for AP Psych instead of psychology, and see if I can apply for a higher level of French from French 1. We'll see, I suppose. (Talking about French: I've got a 340 day streak on Duolingo! I've got 26,268 total xp so far.)

I'd also like to bake some more challah this week, although I kind of want to do it once the AC is fixed so that the humidity/heat doesn't fuck with my dough. It would make it rise faster, which would be nice, but I'd like to do it in the conditions where I know how it responds, since it's only my third time making it. It might also be fun to do a double batch, but I haven't really decided whether to do that or not. I want to do a double batch so I can give some to my friends while still having plenty left over, but I feel like the timing would be complicated due to dough proofing and stuff.

I've finished the 5th audiobook in the Murderbot series (by Martha Wells, if I haven't already said that)! It was really good, and now both me and my sister are waiting for whoever's got the two copies the library has to finish up (when I put it on hold a few days ago there was a 20 week wait time). In the meantime, I'm relistening to the first book in the series.

I'm looking forward to next week! I'm going to be watching Heaven's Official Blessing with my mom while my sister's volunteering; the three of us have been watching the Untamed, which is a live-action adaptation of one of the light novels by the same author. HOB is animated, though (and all the characters are VERY pretty. Not that that's one of the reasons I'm watching it, or anything). This week I hope to show my dad some of The Promised Neverland; we've watched some of Demon Slayer together, and I'm hoping he'll like this one. Very different, but I think he might appreciate some of the family aspects of the story. We won't be watching season [REDACTED], though. Season [REDACTED] is dead to me.

Also, good news! I've gotten a bit out of my months-long (year long?) writing slump! I wrote a nice little short story (like, ~1k words kind of short) based off of the writing prompt "Write a story about a character who starts noticing the same object or phrase wherever they go." My first though was Untitled Goose Game, and so Untitled Goose Game I wrote about. In a kind of horror way, of course. It's kind of cheesy, but I'm still happy with it. Maybe I'll polish it up a bit later.

The camping trip was (kind of) fun! I didn't love sailing (it was stressful, and physically taxing) but I really liked being on my mom's motorboat (aka a power boat), and the camper (named Speed Turtle) is still as cute as ever! The boat's pretty cute too, and it's really fun to drive over the lake! My knees are pretty sunburned, but I managed to stay relatively un-toasted, although my legs are VERY bruised from hauling up into boats after flipping over the sail boats. I flipped the boat over 3 times, and got a few good knocks to the head in the process. The boat was called a Sunfish, and it was a little one-person sailboat with a triangle sail, although two people can fit in the boat. I did that with my sister a few times, one of us with the rudder and the other with the line for the sail. Eventually we both were able to do it by ourselves, although I didn't love it, lol. We sailed in ~15 mph winds, though, with is pretty strong for beginners, apparently! So, bragging rights for that, I guess. The guy said we did the best out of all his summer clients, which was hopefully not just a thing he says to everyone.

Although the camper is cute, she's pretty small, and me and my sister had to share the bed (my mom gave in and took the couch this time, since she snores), and moving around was cramped. Also, there were a fuck ton of bugs while we were camping. Also ALSO, the AC in the camper is really loud. Let's just say I appreciate the comforts of modern life in normal houses. Altogether, it was a good experience, though. I managed to get away with only ~3 mosquito bites, which was a pleasant surprise, and no ticks (as far as I've found).

Well, I'm gonna leave it here. I probably should get a start on my summer work, but I doubt I'll do any today. Have a good day/night! Remember to eat a snack if you're hungry!

Luv you <3

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