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Hoo, boy, this sure has been a wild week.

So, my dad and his fiancee got married! Yay! That was an alright time; I enjoyed the food and the ceremony itself, but I didn't like getting my picture taken or interacting with people that much. I have a step-mom now. That's weird.

My sister left for school. She'll be gone for six weeks, which isn't that long, but still. That's probably the hardest thing that's happened to me so far during quarantine, which is saying something. We have a really good relationship and I've come to depend on her a lot during COVID-19, which I didn't even realize until right before she left. We've seen each other every day and have talked/hung out a bunch, and I really miss her. I think adjusting will be pretty hard, but that's alright. She's having a good time at school (hopefully). 

I got my flu shot the day before yesterday. That was not terribly fun, because I dislike shots. It's mostly the anticipation that I hate, because it doesn't hurt while I'm getting it, but it's always mildly terrifying right before. The scariest part is when they wipe your arm with disinfectant before the shot. I hate that.

That's not even the scariest thing that happened that night, though. On the way out of CVS a GIANT ASS grasshopper LANDED ON ME. It just came out of nowhere and handed on my tit. I panicked a little (but managed to stay pretty calm, I'm so amazing) then it jumped onto my dad!!! Then it jumped away. Safe to say my soul left my body that evening. Not fun.

It's the end of the quarter on Friday, so I have to make sure all of my work is done by then. Normally that's fine, but I've been really tired today. I didn't realize it until therapy today, but it's probably because of all the stuff that happened earlier this week. I'm just really drained, and I haven't been motivated all week to do my work. I cried a fuck-ton during therapy lol, my nose is still really runny.

Yesterday I was nauseous for nearly the whole day. It might have been because of the pumpkin muffin I ate, or the soup for lunch. Either way, I'm going to be a bit cautious of the pumpkin muffins. Which is a shame, by the way, because I love pumpkin muffins.

Daddy and AZ (his wife, lol I nearly wrote fiancee) are on their honeymoon atm so I got yesterday afternoon to myself. Then my mom picked me up, so now I'm at the condo. T (my mom's boyfriend) came over yesterday evening and him and my mom watched me play Hollow Knight. T is cool, I like him. I'm friends with his kids. Hollow Knight is a really good (and very rage-inducing) game, 10/10 would recommend.

By the way, Kai has decided they want to be referred to with they/them pronouns. So if you're confused by the shift when I'm talking about them in the future, that's why. Off topic, but I felt like putting it out there. 

It's EM's birthday on Saturday! So I'm going to her place (socially distanced and everything) and we're all gonna watch movies (halloween movies, probably). I'm excited for that, but I still need to get her some fairy lights as a present.

Ughhh, I really don't want to do my schoolwork. I shouldn't put it off, though. At least I finished a big project today, so I don't have to worry about that. If I'm lucky, since it's the end of the quarter, my teachers won't assign anything big this week. Oh well, I guess we'll see.

I just want a nap. I'm really tired, even though I slept until 10. FuUuNNnnnN. 

It just struck me, this is probably the most emotionally stable entry I've made in a while that isn't just me ranting. Lol, that's kinda funny. And kinda sad. I've been neglecting this diary. Hopefully I'll have something positive to write about soon.

Have a great day/night! Drink water and get plenty of sleep!

Luv you <3

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