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I feel kinda like shit right now, as in I'm frustrated and stressed out.

So, right now in IED, we're doing 3D modeling stuff using OnShape. And this program is so fuckingg annoying to use!! So annoying!! Right now I'm trying to make a simple shape and I think I did everything right but it's still not setting the constraints or whatever and this one spot in my shoulder hurts and I want to cry right now because it's such a simple thing but I feel overwhelmed anyways

I know it's because I've got a lot of small things stressing but even as I'm sitting here writing this my shoulder fucking hurts and it's really uncomfortable no matter what position I'm in and I fucking hate being uncomfortable even the slightest!!! I don't know why I chose to break down right this second but here I am. I'm also on my period, so that doesn't help. I think I've got several forks I need to deal with, so might as well make a list:

My shoulder hurts
I'm on my period
I can't figure out how to get this program to work correctly
I'm probably hangry
I feel bad because yesterday I skipped out on something I should have done
Someone I know got into contact with me after like 2 years and I'm having to perform a lot of emotional labor for her
Either my friends are ignoring me or google hangouts isn't working
I got disconnected from zoom after my computer did a weird thing
I need to do my laundry and clean my room
I need to watch part of a movie for class during lunch
I need to do a math quiz that I should have done yesterday
I got less sleep than I probably should have

All of these are just building up and stressing me out, and here I am. I'm going to try to resolve a few by eating lunch and seeing if I can skip English today (if I can, I'll do the movie + math quiz then), but some of them I don't know how to deal with. I'm just tired.

Oh, well. At least this is practice for talking care of myself when I'm stressed out. Fun times.

This hasn't been a terribly informative update, but I needed to get this down. I'll prob write more another day. Drink water and eat lunch.

Luv you <3

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