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27 is a nice number ;D

Today in Discovery we worked on a script, because we're still working on our Black History unit. The setting is Dorothy Height, Shirley Chisholm, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. eating lunch together at the Geneva Convention and talking about current events, and the script is made primarily of actual quotes of theirs. I'm Dorothy Height, and I need to find some sort of purple hat to wear so I can really get in character.

We had a BoB meeting today, but there was also the rescheduled Valentines Dance so like 3/4 of the group left early to go to that. Me, Kai, and 2 others just sat and read until 4. I'm trying to speed-read Crow by Barbara Wright before March 9th which is easy, but still kind of stressful.

I woke up at like 3:20 this morning, went back to sleep, woke up at 4:09, then woke up at 5-10 minute intervals until 5, which is when I just decided to watch youtube until my alarm. I actually felt really good and refreshed for some reason. I was very happy.

Yay, it's Thursday! Only one day left! Tomorrow is Picture Day, the day my group has to perform in Discovery, and I have a test in ELA. It'll be fun! 

I had to make some changes to my book to make a certain death more effective. It set me back a few pages, but ultimately I think it was the right decision. I was hoping to work around it more, but I had to cut out a good chunk and just redo it. Oh well :)

On skycade there was a WHOLE drama because there's this one player (girl? idk) named changeurmind who just ALWAYS complains about her online bf and how much she hates him and one person finally got sick of her bitching and was just like "if you don't like him, why don't you break up instead of complaining about it online??" And I was like "honestly I agree because you're always doing this" and I don't like being nosy (except I do. I'm a total drama whore) but like JEEZ this has been going on for a while. A bunch of people agreed with the two of us and change got PISSED

she though we were ganging up on her?? Honestly I think she's just a really bitter person, but idk all the facts so I don't suppose I have much room to judge.

Now, onto the TEA. So, in my book, there's this character named James that I like drawing. he's real cute and fem so I have fun putting him in cute outfits, but anyways, N really likes him. So, a few months ago, I drew 2 pictures of James; on one side had a picture of James looking cute and the other side had James looking (still cute but) real badass ya' know full on emo, eyeliner, piercings, and giving the bird (middle finger). 

N treasures this picture (as he should hehe) and kept it in his binder, which he keeps in his book bag. Now, for the kicker. The REAL kicker. He's very gay, and his grandma is a homophobic bitch who is also nosy as fuck. She'll just look through his room and stuff for NO REASON. And so, one day, aka yesterday, she was snooping through his stuff more than the fucking dog from peanuts and found this picture and another one that a different friend drew for him. And you know what she did?

She shredded them.

She didn't talk to N about it. Just. shkkkkkkkkkkvrmmmm.

And so, of course, I drew him another one. A better one. And  if she shreds that one, I'll make another. And another. She will not escape. This bitch has brought my wrath upon herself and    I w i l l n o t s t o p. Ever.

I really want to slap her but it's fine. It seems like im over reacting but I've heard stories about her and am already done with her. I haven't met her yet but gods when I do... I won't do anything. I'm not about to risk losing my access to N because of my own bad temper. Plus, 1) my dad would kill me for assaulting some old lady 2) im too afraid to do it. I wish though.

Well, I should stop procrastinating on my homework by writing this. Good day/night! 

Luv you <3

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