4/10/21 P.2

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Just 10 days....

Alright, yes, I'm still procrastinating but I feel a bit better. I actually went back and read through my old entries and I still stand by the fact that younger me is hilarious. Also, I haven't mentioned, I'm 15 now! I have aged! It's crazy!! As I was reading through my old entries I actually noted down each person I mentioned, so that I can make a list with their acronyms + description. I found out from doing that, I've forgotten like half of the names of my 8th grade teachers. Like, jeez, I thought I would remember for slightly longer, but here we are. Also, I really liked when I was making entries daily. I'd kind of like to keep doing that, but I'm not sure if my days will actually be different enough to be interesting haha. Ah, well, we'll see what happens. For now I've decided I'll just make another entry today that isn't just complaining lol.

Tomorrow, SC (my sister) is going to be moving back to school! She's going to be there for... 3 weeks, I think? Then later she'll return with the rest of the seniors for 3 days, and she's gonna graduate. She'll be in college later this year! That's really freaky to think about. She'll be... like..... an adult. Disgusting.

Also today, when we went to get my glasses (and didn't, lol) SC drove! Not terribly well, it was a bit wobbly and I was scared for my life, but she obeyed all the traffic laws and didn't crash the car, so I think she did fine :) While we were at the store I was looking for some squishmallows, but couldn't find any :( I wanted to add more to my collection, but no luck. We also got some brushes for our cats. They work pretty well; Angelo likes the brushing (kind of), but Pepper doesn't know what to think about it. It's spring, though, so they're both shedding a fuck ton.

I'm not kidding about the heat or pollen, though. It's only early spring and already in the 80's (F)..... I like the heat but not that much, lol. I am not looking forward to the summer.

Oh, good news, though! Both my dad, mom, and AZ (step mom? That still feels weird) got at least their first vaccination shots! SC's fancy school might be able to hook her up with vaccines as well. I still can't get one yet, they haven't approved one for kids under 16, and I'm at the bottom of the priority list. It sucks, cuz I want to be able to hang out with my friends safely, but what can be done? All there is to do is wait.

Also, I had a weird as shit dream last night. I can't even describe it, other than I think I had a similar dream before??? I'll admit, it wasn't very pleasant. This isn't related, but I'd actually normally transfer to my dad's house today, but since we stayed at his house an extra day last week because my mom was camping, we're staying an extra day here this week.

A few days ago (Tuesday, maybe?) I changed the message on the marquis. It used to say "hydrate or diedrate" but now it says "your mom loves my jorts 💋🙂." Unfortunately, I couldn't fit the whole message on there. What is the full message, you may ask? Well, as SC put on her little word board thingy...

Your mom loves my jorts 😛😍

The taste ❤️

You know that Reddit post? The "ur mom sucks me good and hard through my jorts"? Well, turns out Sky: Children of the Light won't let you type that out, so I had to improvise. Thus, "your mom loves my jorts... the taste..." was born. I am rather proud.

Sky: Children of the Light is a fun online game I had started over spring break. It's by the creators of Journey, another game i've played, so I wanted to check it out, and it's really fun! It's mobile, free, and the graphics are super cute. I had to be like "no, we're not gonna hyperfixate there are other things I want to do over break" lol. Oh, lord, this reads like a YouTube sponsorship. I'm so sorry.

During break, I baked 2 sets of cookies!! the first were plain chocolate chip and the second were fancy chocolate toffee cookies. The second set didn't turn out very well, it spread a LOT and the toffee kinda coated the bottom which made them really greasy to bite into. I also felt kinda nauseous when tasting the dough so my body was like "well of COURSE this is what causes it!! You're never going to be able to eat these cookies ever without feeling sick!! Have fun!!" And I said "please do not do this" but my body ignored me, so I couldn't eat any except one. It was a waste of ingredients and time :( However, I did make the toffee from scratch and it turned out really good, so I'm proud of that! It was the first time I've done sugarwork on my own, and the second time I've done it in general. I'm pretty proud of that.

So, yeah! Spring break was pretty fun, and I'm doing alright right now. I still kinda feel like shit, but less than I did when I entered previously. I have managed to put off my schoolwork for an hour and a half by doing this, so I should probably get a start on that, lol. Wish me luck!

Luv you <3

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