10/12/19 (Dream log)

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It's 6:14 am btw

post apocalyptic scenario, everything's gone to shit

everyone has guns, myself included

in small village surrounded by forest, quite pretty

go around killing people, as ya do

no blood or bullet wounds when shot (pg13, people)

most people have formed groups, im alone for now, hiding

Eventually I team up with "E", one of my friends irl

we go around killing people I guess

Eventually decide to run away from town to somewhere safe, walk along border marked by little white flags 

apparently in this dreamscape Canada and Australia share a border??? it's split by little white flags  

one side is really snowy with evergreens and stuff and the other side is a barren wasteland (no offense Australians, this is just my subconscious image of your home)

We decide that we'll walk right on that border so as not to freeze or die of heat stroke

first we need supplies, so we walk along thee edge of the woods. until we reach this barn place

a group is sitting in front of the entrance, we're like "hey if this is your house we can leave it alone, but if it's not, do you mid if we loot it?" they're like "no its not our house, have fun" (very friendly, happy

As we walk through the entrance there are throwing stars?? imbedded in the wood (not significant)

place is huge, has tv and video game console right by the entrance with a large couch, very nice place, also very dark (no windows)

we start taking the useful stuff, like water, head to kitchen to get food

I tell E "don't get any water from the sink, it could b contaminated" as far as we know the whole world has gone to shit

we get jugs of water and whatever nonperishables there are

I find hidden little cabinet that says "in case of emergencies" in a little handwritten note

I open it, find IDs, passports, pick up the ID of a scientist dude who ig lived at the house?? don't remember name, but his picture had curly black, hair, pale skin, wire-rimmed glasses, late middle aged, wearing scientist coat (name might have been Simon? Could be making that up)

I look in fridge and freezer out of curiosity, find the stuff hasn't gone bad, cold comes off of it

come to think of it, the place seemed awfully air conditioned

"Hey, I think the power hasn't died yet" I call out to E

Power immediately dies, it's almost pitch black (wonderful, thanks dream XD)

"We need a flashlight" E says

try to find one, all she can find is a black light (relax)

hands it to me, I find a sonic screwdriver (11's), use that for light (I know I know you're not supposed to do that the situation was dire)

we can't find anything...

I wake up

Very anticlimactic, I know

See you later today, luv you <3'


Sorry I just think it's funny

and no im not depressed 

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