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Last night at like 9:10 I couldn't get to sleep so I decided to try meditation. It worked well, actually, I sat under my loft for about.. 10, 15? minutes, breathing. It was nice, and I was super sleepy after that. Imma try it again tonight, in hope of some long term affects *cough* stress reducing *cough*

However, at 12: 40 am this morning I woke up, suffocating in my own mucus. So yeah, I have a cold. That's fun. Right now I'm just clogged, but I'm just waiting for the worse effects to come along -_-.

So I woke up at 6 am, got ready for school, went to school, and I'm greeted with Discovery. Before that, I ran around the school a little for the librarian to help her Discovery class have a place to be, as they already got kicked out of 2 places. That was fun, but let's just say... Discovery isn't a wonderful thing to be greeted with early in the morning.

What is Discovery, you may ask? Well, dear reader, Discovery is a well-intentioned class at the beginning of the day to help kids who are struggling in math/ELA. We were an F school at the beginning of last year, and are a D/C (idk which) school right now, so I think it helps. It's meant to help kids prepare for the EOG. But, I am a "gifted" child (which basically means I'm not reading at a third grade level -,-) so I'm in aDvAnCeD diScoVeRy which is the single worst class in the history of classes. It's soooo boring, all we do is read passages and answer questions and OH MY GODS it's horrible. 

Anyway, everyone hates Discovery as much as I do. Oh, side note, they took half of our lunch time away and added it to Discovery so now it's a proper class and we only have 25 minutes to eat lunch. Anyway, Kai is in my Discovery (yay) but she hates it even more than I do, like, to the point where she'll just refuse to do the work. And this morning, I was tired, clogged, and utterly done with life. Now, when Kai get's frustrated she yells. Loudly. And this morning I was just not in the mood. Something happened and she was yelling and I just wanted to tell her to shut up because yelling isn't going to do anything but I didn't and everything turned out fine. But oml I was seething.

In science today we took notes on the law of conservation of mass which was cool and whatever but both me and E knew the stuff already. In science, half the time we can do whatever because "Mr. M" likes us and we're the "smart kids" in a room of "average" human beings and we finish everything two weeks before the rest of the class. BTW as I'm writing this I have a massive stomach ache which is either me being gassy or cramps because I'm gonna have my period soon. Probably the first, but whatever. 

In math we had our test. I finished mine up quickly because I'm actually semi decent at what she taught us (yay) and was doodling on the back of the paper where I did my work. I made a skeletal/zombie looking hand for my "halloween doodles" and I quite like it :). Throughout the day I've been sneezing a lot (like 50 times) and I decided that was necessary to write because I sneezed while typing. Back to the point, me, E, and Kai were sitting kind of close together (the desks were spread out). Me and Kai know a bit of ASL. We are in no way fluent, but through the use of signs, lip reading, and finger spelling we were able to communicate. I've started teaching E what I know in sign, but we haven't gotten very far because that's just not something you think of on a normal day. So the classroom is silent and me and Kai are communicating semi decently and E was trying to keep up but she didn't do very well

Lunch was good. I brought freeze dried strawberries (a delicacy), half of a naan, a cut up apple, some grapes, and a clif bar. It was good, I didn't finish my apples so I gave them to "T" who was sitting at our table. He was very happy.     :D <-- his face 

I tried to put a freeze dried strawberry in Kai's Dr Pepper but she knows me and managed to protect it before I got it in. 

Art was okay. I was a tad bit too irritable to deal with N today, but it was fine. I survived without resorting to harsh words or physical violence.

I'm tired and I just took a shower so goodnight/day.

Luv you <3

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