10/16/19 (Dream Log)

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It started out with Veronica and J.D. (From Heathers)

J.D was in the crowd watching as Veronica was in a parade for the Queen or something (it was all very fancy and glittery). 

She smiled and waved at him, he waved back.

She broke off from the parade to go up some stairs to go to another room

Prepared for her wedding? There's a lot of singing involved so she was like part Veronica part Cinderella I think 

Gets even more prettied up, goes to wedding location I guess

Switch to J.D. POV, he's watching the town (which looks like giant cauldron on fire?)

He gets angry for some reason, waves his hand, and the flames from the cauldron turn black??

Switch to Veronica's POV

Everyone's screaming and panicking and running around

J.D comes and is controlling an ice monster?

He (ice monster) tries to hit Veronica, but she is protected by some alternate, happy her (an embodiment of her happiness?)

She's crying while trying to heal happy her, who is chanting the names of people she loves? (J.D wasn't in those names oof)

Happy her dies, she somehow defeats J.D and his ice monster

Now she runs café where little mice work (and are treated horribly by the customers :(    )

I wake up

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