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I forgot to make a log last night

...Well, I remembered, but it was 9:20 at night and ya girl need her beauty sleep

So I wore what I got at Hot Topic today. I didn't amass as many complements as one would hope, but one of the complements I did get was from K, aka The Goddess. I was very happy.

So, I went to the orthodontist today at like 9:40 in the middle if Core 1, and got back 5 minutes before Core 2 ended. I got a wire on the back of my bottom row of teeth. I feel sorry for E, she had to sit all by herself. Kinda off topic, she's helping me write a book. So, if a book co-authored by Evangeline Talbott and Ellie Westwood ever gets famous, look back on this and feel honored. For now, it's called the Hybrid Chronicles, but it might change eventually. 

I had Chorus today. Last year I had one teacher for chorus, and she was, like, the BEST teacher on Earth, but her husband got a job elsewhere. She was staying where they lived, but since he had to move, she had to take care of their toddler, which means she has to get to school later than 6:30 am. So, now we have "Ms. CT". She's cool, but I really really miss our last teacher. 

Anyway, back to the point. Chorus. Ms. CT is cool, but she doesn't have great control over her students. Now, I'm a good child who likes singing. But most of the kids in that class just joined because they think it's an easy A. You just have to sing, right? Well, yes, mostly. But if you don't sing, or put forth any sort of effort at all, well... you won't get an A. Anyways, they suck, and are holding back the rest of the class. Even The Goddess, who is the sweetest, most pure individual on the planet, gets pissed at them. That's a real achievement. 

In chorus we're doing a Choral Dialogue, which is basically songs from a bunch of different musicals mushed together. Ms. CT was teaching us "It's a Hard-Knock Life" from Annie, and she wants us to convey the frustration of the characters, which is valid, but oml it's hard to not laugh. And I don't feel comfortable putting out that much emotion, especially because I'm in the front row surrounded by people I hate. 

Math was okay today. Mrs. B is giving us tomorrow to finish tests we started on Friday, and today taught us how to do some of the things on said test, which is really nice. It's a nice change from "I know you can't do this but Imma test you on it anyway whoops your grade went down". She did give us an unpleasant amount of homework, though. 

Backtracking to the orthodontist appointment, I was a bit nervous cuz I haven't been wearing my rubber bands as much as I should. It delayed my scan a little bit, but that's fine. Earlier that morning I had been feeling sick (and still was) so while my grandma drove me to my orthodontist appointment I tried to subtly hint that I was feeling too sick to go back to school. It didn't work. She asked what was wrong, I said I felt sick, then I mentioned it was cuz of stress. She was like "okay what's wrong?" and I talked about math, but it didn't get me out of school, it just got my dad all up in my business about Mrs. B. I know he has good intentions, and he's backed off a bit (and I'm just being a moody/angsty teen here) but it's still annoying.

Anyways, today was overall fine. I have more stuff I want to rant about but I need to write my book sooo yeah hope you have a good day, stay strong.

Luv you <3

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