Chapter 12

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I do not own these characters or any of the images I use.
~Travis POV~

She fell asleep on my shoulder, I had to keep myself from blushing.

Connor looked at me and smirked, oh gods, what is he planning this time?

He waved his hand in front of Katie's face to make sure that she was really asleep.

"So you want to tell me now or will I have to force the truth out of you?"

"There's really nothing to tell." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Yeah sure..." He said sarcastically.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes at him.

"Okay, are you going to tell me what actually happened or do I have to wake Katie up now and tell her that you obviously like her."

Thank the gods we were in the back and no one sat by us.

"I don't know what your talking about, honestly nothing really happened."

He raised his eyebrows at me, I could tell he knew that I was lying, Connor could always see right through me and I hated it.

He was about to wake up Katie.

"Okay! We kind of maybe- well s-she then I kinda- and, then y-yeah." I stuttered out.

Again he rolled his eyes at me.

"Use your words." He said simply.

"Your enjoying this aren't you?" I asked him.

"Well yes because it's fun to torcher you, and I have black mail so ha!"

Okay, I just had to get him off this topic.

"You're an idiot." I said.

"Yeah, but maybe not as much as you, at least I know what you're trying to do."

I didn't look at him.

"Okay, tell me." He said.

"She-" the words got caught in my throat, neither of us actually said it out loud before.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said instead.

"C'mon tell me! I want to know what's happening in your life."

I gave him a look.

"Connor, if I told you what was happening in my life the whole camp would know in the matter of seconds, not to mention if any of our half siblings start evesdroping..." I trailed off, I did not want that to happen.

"Fine, I swear on the river styx that I will not tell anyone about whatever it is that you and Katie did." He said.

Wow, Connor never swears on the river styx unless he has to.

"Shekindamaybekissedme" I said it really fast and quiet.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"S-she kissed m-me."

He gestured for me to go on.

"Not only that, I-I kinda kissed her too."

"Oh, want to tell how that happened?" He asked me.

I told him the story how it started out as just a game of 20 questions and then about what happened after...

Then I told him about the time I kissed her, that was one heck of a story to tell.

"So yeah." I said.

"Holy Hades I did not expect that."

"Yeah well neither did I, she doesn't even want to talk about it but I'm not sure how she feels."

"Dude, she kissed you." He said.

"Well yeah but I'm not sure why."

Katie was starting to stir, so Connor and I both shut up.

I just gave him a look.

"River styx." Is all I said.

Before I knew it I started dozing off too. I fell asleep with Katie's head on my shoulder and my arm around her waist. That was the last thing I remember.
Hi! Sorry again I know this was a shorter chapter and I'm sorry, I also know it took me a while to get this chapter out. I will say it again I am so so so sorry. Thank you all for reading!

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