Chapter 26

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This might be the last time I say it in this story, I don't own anything.

~Katies POV~

I opened the letter and inside it said

I'm really sorry, I hope you'll let me prove it by letting me take you to the fireworks show. Your my everything Katie and I'm serious about us weather you believe me or not.

I hope you at least consider it. ~Travis

My heart did a weird fluttery thing and there were definitely some butterflies in my stomach.

You know what I made my decision I know what Im doing.

I'm going to give him a chance, if he blows it again I'll cut him out of my life, but I was happy with him, and I could normally tell when he was lying. He might be a son of Hermes, but when you got close to him you could see the signs.

But there was another hard part, I put this off and fourth of July was tomorrow, so that means I had to figure out what to wear.

I looked through all my nice clothes and found the perfect thing.

It was a cute white summer dress with floral patterns all over it. I paired it with a black belt, and a some sandals.

Having that over with without having to go to the Aphrodite cabin was the biggest relief, but I did want to make another stop, one to the Hermes cabin, to make things right with Travis, oh gods what if this was another one of his pranks.

No, no I refuse to think that I'm going to tell him I want to be with him, I just hoped it all worked out, it was really the most I could do at this point.

I made it there and Connor opened the door.

"I need to talk to Travis." I stated, he let me in without any protest.

"He's in there, good luck." He smirked at me.

I walked in and found him reading, or trying to read the book his dad gave him.

"Hi" I spoke softly.

He looked up and his perfect shinning blue eyes met my emerald green ones.

Without another word he was behind me and resting his arms on my shoulders. Oh gods, does he have to do this again?

"Stop Travis." I turned around and eyed him sternly.

He put his hands up in surrender.

"Fine fine, but did you at least read my note?"

I bit my lip before answering, kind of a nervous habit of mine.

"Yes I did, and I'll go with you, but I swear if you blow it this time, or this is another one of your stupid pranks I'm done giving you chances okay?"

"You know Katie Kat you're really cute when you're angry."

"Ugg you know how annoying you are? I'm not even sure why I agreed at thi-" he cut me off, very affectively by kissing me.

I soon melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pulled away, still close enough to feel his breath on my nose.

"That's why." He said.

"Cocky much?" I teased.

"You should go before cerfew Katie Kat, I'll be at your cabin 15 minutes before the fireworks."

"Good night Travis."

"Night Katie Kat."

***(Le Time Skip)***

The next morning I woke up early to tend to all my plants and help my siblings in the strawberry fields. I smiled knowing how much I missed this, it used to be just like this, but usually there would be a prank from the Stolls and a whole lot of screaming.

I noticed how far Travis and I have come, from not being able to be alone for two seconds, to being a couple. Who would have guessed?

Well anyway I finished up what I was doing then went to go take a shower and clean up before tonight. I put my outfit on and decided to do a bit of makeup, nothing to fancy just some mascara, eyeliner, lipgloss, and some really pretty gold eyeshadow that made my eyes pop.

By the time I finished I had around ten minutes before Travis got here.

Where did all my time go? It's okay, it will be fine. But I still couldn't decide if the butterfly's in my stomach were from the thought of the camp seeing Travis and I as a couple, or if it was just anxiety.

Someone cleared there throat behind me, for a second I thought it was Travis but I turned around to see my brother in the doorway.

He smirked at me, "So who are you trying to impress?"

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"Or should I be more specific who are you going with?" He asked impatiently

"Travis" I said.

He pulled me into a hug and said that he was happy for me, I had an amazing brother that I was not going to take advantage of.

"I have to go Travis will be here soon, I love you."

"Love you too, have fun." He added with a smirk.

I walked out of my cabin to find Travis staring at me.

"You're beautiful Katie Kat."

"Not too bad yourself." I said.

He was wearing blue jeans, a white t shirt that hugged his rather impressive muscles, and his black leather jacket.

We went and sat down by lake where they held the show, and I started to get cold, I leaned on Travis's shoulder and he noticed I was shivering.

"Here" he said and put his jacket over my shoulders.

"Thanks" I said while blushing.

I leaned in to rest my head on his chest and he seemed to be fine with it.

The fireworks started and it was gorgeous. All different colors reflecting on the lake made it perfect.

But I couldn't hold it anymore, there was something I needed to tell Travis before I lost my courage I needed to tell him.


"Yes Katie?"

Whoa, he used my real name, before I could chicken out I told him.

"I love you Travis."

He smiled at me a real smile.

"I love you too Katie."

And for what felt like the hundredth time we kissed, and I was happy knowing that we loved each other, and with that all my worries faded away.

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