Chapter 16

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I don't own characters or images
~Travis POV~

This time I knew for sure that we are real.

When Connor woke up we decided to just leave so that we could hopefully get back to camp today.

When we got outside we found a strawberry van, well a camp half blood van but it was disguised as a strawberry shipment. On it it said 'thanks for all your help, this will take you to the empire state building where you need to drop off the staff then it will take you back to camp- Hermes'

"Well, that was definitely easier than we thought." I said.

"Okay, but what if it's a trap?" Katie said.

"Well we survived this long, might as well trust it's not. Also it's a camp half blood van, it would be very hard for a monster to get there hands on it, but it would be easy for a god to." Connor said.

Wow, never knew he could have good reasoning.

"Fair point, let's go!" Katie said.

With that we got into the van, just hoping that we would make it back to camp safely.

Katie yawned and fell asleep on my shoulder, I fell asleep right after her.

~Le Time Skip~

We made it to the empire state building, hooray! We went inside and asked for the 600th floor.

They woman at the desk just laughed at us, "Kids there's no such thing as a '600th floor', also aren't you guys pretty young? Where are your parents?"

We all rolled out eyes, I was the one who decided to take action.

I pulled out the staff and showed it to her, "Ma'am we need to get this to Hermes as soon as possible so if you would let us up to the 600th floor that would be appreciated."

She looked the staff up and down about four times before she said, "Very well, but if you cause any trouble up there whatsoever I will have to call the cops."

When we were up there my only thought was, 'Olympus is beautiful'. By the looks on Connor and Katie's faces I could tell they were thinking the same thing.

Hermes was waiting for us there, but no other gods were there.

"Ah, there you are." He flashed a movie star worthy grin. "Thank you kids, I am very great full."

"Of course lord Hermes." Katie said.

"I am very sorry but I must get going, but before I leave I have some gifts for you."

He pulled out new gardening tools and gloves, which were obviously for Katie, he also pulled out a book and a blue sphere with silver dots on it.

He gave us the stuff and then in an instant he was gone.

I pointed to the things in Connors hands, "What do you think that is that dad gave us?"

"Well not sure what this is-" he held up the blue sphere "but lookie here!" He held up a huge book, the title was Hermes Original Prank Book.

"Oooh nice to know dad knows us well."

"I honestly don't think he needed to give you guys that, what you guys need is a math book." Katie said.

"Aww c'mon Kitty Kat you know you don't mean that." I replied.

"Yes I actually did." She stated.

I smirked at her and took her hand, her face flushed.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's get back to camp!" I practically shouted.
Hi guys! Sorry for this chapter and how long it took me to get out, my life has been pretty chaotic recently, but thank you all so much for the reads!

Λάβ Γιαλλ (love y'all)

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