Chapter 20

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I don't own anything
~Travis POV~

I was having a serious conversation with Drew.

I know what your thinking, it sounds bad. Why should I talk to her? She's my ex and we broke up after only a week.

The thing is I kind of have a player reputation around camp, it's pretty known that I dated all the girls in Aphrodite that were my age, and maybe some that were a bit older than me. Nothing too extreme of course, the oldest one was about three years older than me.

But anyway I still talk to Drew, she may be a bi- a not very nice person, but she has struggles of her own and sometimes she just needs to talk to someone and I'm willing to listen.

It sounds bad but really nothing is going on between us, and even though I might have a reputation I've never actually cheated on anyone.

Well she was talking about her struggles and how "horrible" her life is, but I listened to her even though it was absolute torcher.

Until she did something. She kissed me, I shoved her away immediately but she kept doing it.

I tried running away, but she grabbed my wrist so tight, I couldn't pull out and it was definitely going to leave a bruise.

She pinned me against a large rock and started kissing me more.

That's when something even worse happened, "Travis? How could you?" Someone said.

I recognized the voice instantly, it was without a doubt Katie.

I think Drew was just as shocked as I was because she let go of me, that or she wanted to make me look worse.

It was most likely the latter.

"Katie? I can explain! I frantically respond.

"No need Travis, I should have expected this, you just used me to get your ex back."

"That's not what it is!" I yelled back but she didn't hear as she was running away from me. I could be wrong but I swear I saw tears in her eyes.

Drew looked at me like a startled puppy and I knew it was my chance.

I pushed Drew over with all my strength and she toppled so much, probably even more because she was in these ridiculous bright pink heels.

She fell right into the mud with a squeal, it would have been hilarious but I was definitely not in the mood for joking right now.

I ran after Katie and knocked repeatedly on the door of the Demeter cabin.

Luckily everyone was in their classes so they didn't hear or care about whatever was going on right now.

"Katie please let me in, I need to explain this."

"What's there to explain Travis, ask me to be your girlfriend I say yes, two minutes later just decide to kiss Drew?"

"No that's not what happened!" I almost yelled.

"Well Im not believing you this time, I'm done putting trust in you." She replied.

I decided just to go back to my cabin, but I would find a way to get Katie to believe me again, I have to.

I just hope no one is in the Hermes cabin because I was not really up for talking.

Fortunately the cabin was empty, at least I had some time to think about how I was going to fix this mess. Ugg I really messed up.

I am never ever talking to Drew again, obviously. I should have never talked to her in the first place but what do you expect, I'm an absolute idiot, right now more than ever.

When I was contemplating all this someone walked it, it was Connor.

"Hi" I said quietly.

"Hey what's up? I haven't seen you all day, and you look awful." He said.

"gee thanks" I replied sarcastically.

"Okay but seriously what's going on with you?"

"Nothing nothing at all, and you should not be concerned about me I'm fine." What I said was obviously a lie and he knew that.

He sighed, "Fine but when you want to talk about it I'll be here. Oh also please come to dinner you haven't eaten all day."

I hummed in response and he left, I definitely was not going to dinner and I definitely was not going to be able to sleep.
So what did you guys think?
I wanted to make this chapter longer but that would take more time, and I have already kept you guys waiting long enough.

Thank you so much for being patient and for reading!

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