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"You do know the way you went about finding me at the library, it could be construed as stalking" Ellie stated, as Brett joined her at the table with her cup of coffee, setting it on front of her before sitting across from her with his own cup, there was still a hint of suspicion in her brown eyes, as they met his from across the table

But this accusation just made him grin a little lopsidedly, "That would be a first, usually it's the girls stalking me" he drawled in amusement.

"Everything is just a big joke to you" Ellie huffed, now taking a sip of her coffee, whilst wondering why she had even agreed to go along with him for coffee in the first place

"No, not everything" he replied as he lowered his cup, so his hazel eyes could meet her directly, and his expression became more solemn

"The band, and my music, that I do take deadly seriously, and it's why I wanted to talk to you" he then informed her.

"If this is trying to gain favour with me, so you can get to my father, it's not going to happen" she reiterated firmly

Brett's brows pulled down in slight bewildered irritation, "Why do you keep thinking the only reason I want to talk to you is because I want to get to your father?"

"Well, I thought it was obvious," Ellie replied frowning, "after that night at the club when you pulled me up on stage, and you mentioned you knew who my father was, It was Perry figured it all out the following day after he seen the video... he was mad at me first, but then he realised you had probably only done it, to get my father's attention.

"Ah well, if Perry came to that assumption, then he must be right, but from where I see it, he is so short-sighted in his outlook in life in general, I am not surprised he came up to that dumb conclusion," Brett mused dryly, "and I guess it also explains why he give me a self righteous rant the other night, claiming I had forced you to leave the band, and he hoped I was satisfied for ruining things for you.. I didn't know what the hell he was on about" he finished with a frown

"Perry is my friend, he was just looking out for me, that's what friends do" Ellie objected whilst shooting him a defensive glare that he could even talk about Perry in such glib manner

"Maybe" Brett shrugged dismissively, "But his concern was misplaced, in fact I think in the end, I done you a favour making you walk away from his little band, they have no ambition or foresight, and they were mediocre at best. so  you were wasted on them" he realised thoughtfully as he took another sip of his coffee

"Just who the hell do you think you are? Coming off with statements like that?" Ellie demanded, feeling her hackles rising again, now his usual arrogance had returned. "And if it wasn't my father you were trying to get through with your little stunt, what were you trying to prove by pulling me up on stage with you?"

"I wanted you on stage with me, because I know how good you are," Brett replied simply, his expression becoming serious again. "It had nothing to do with your father, it was always just about you" he then added with deliberation.

Ellie found herself confused and taken aback by his reply, but  remained silent, not sure how she was meant to answer. Did he expect her to thank him, or be grateful for this acknowledgment? Well, he would have a long wait; especially the way he was talking about her friends.

Brett let out a sigh as he twirled his cup round on the table absentmindedly with his finger,  "Let's get one thing straight, When I make it big, I intend to do it of my own back, because of the belief that I know my music is good and it's what people will want to hear. It won't because I got some sort of helping hand from your father, I don't need, or want it." He stated firmly, then leant forward on the table towards her, his hazel eyes looking at her wonderingly," But you... the way you play lead guitar, well you have a special talent, and even if your dad had been plain Mr Joe Bloggs, I still would have pulled you up on stage with me, because you are good, and I recognized another talented musician like myself. I just don't understand why you are wasting your talent instead of taking advantage of it, especially with your background" he finished with a small puzzled frown.

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