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"I will say one thing, and that's your parents sure know how to party" Brett remarked, as he and Ellie lay wrapped around each other in his bed at his apartment the following evening.

"You think?" Ellie chuckled, recalling how, after the nightclub had closed, they had piled back to her parents house, where the celebrations lasted into the early hours of the morning.

"Yeah and I don't know what you said to your dad, but he seemed to be a lot more friendlier towards me, I was still expecting some sort of grilling about my intentions towards you but it never happened" he then admitted with a grin

"You see, I told you he was kinda cool, when you get to know him better" Ellie smiled knowingly, "And I knew once you two got by those barriers when you both let didn't let your ego get in the way, that you would get on like a house on fire,"

"Yeah, we did get on better than I expected" Brett admitted thoughtfully

"And I even have evidence of how well you bonded, when I videoed the both of you drunkenly singing 'My way' together last night, Karaoke style" Ellie revealed with a grin

Brett looked dismayed by this information, "You videoed that on your phone? Gawd I hope nobody else did, I would never live that down if it got out!" he realised looking slightly horrified at the thought

"Hmm,  its handy to have if I ever need to blackmail you into behaving, I am sure Joe and Donnie would love to see it" Ellie teased

"Don't you dare!" Brett warned, "If I ever get my hands on your phone, I am going to make sure I delete it" he threatened in return

"Spoilsport!" Ellie replied as she now leant up on her arm so she could look down into his face as he lay on his back, contemplating the dreaded video and the repercussion's of it getting out into the public domain.

"And speaking of performing with my dad, last night, he did approach me about something he was thinking about" she then admitted looking a little more serious now

"Oh yeah?" Brett looked at her with open curiosity

"Well, you remember I was telling you a while back, how he was planning on doing this anniversary reunion tour with his old band in a few months time?  So, they are definitely going ahead with it now, and my dad threw out a suggestion, that perhaps for some of the gigs in the UK, he wondered if we could  go along with them, and maybe be the support group." Ellie then explained, "Of course I said I would have to speak with you and the others first before I could get back to him with any answer" she then hurriedly added, " And I know you worry about the connection between me and my dad, overshadowing Kikz, so I will understand if you don't feel comfortable with it"

She found herself almost holding her breath as she watched Brett ruminating over her father's proposition thoughtfully, hoping he didn't take it in the wrong way

"You know, if it can be arranged, I think we should do it" he then said with a nod of his head to affirm his approval

"Really?" Ellie couldn't hide the surprise in her tone, making him chuckle

"Yeah, why not, I think it's a great idea, getting a chance to be involved in such a special tour, and I am sure the others will agree. After all we have established ourselves now on our own success, so I won't be worry about being overshadowed by your father," Brett informed her easily, "actually I think it would be fun" he found himself laughing again at Ellie's stunned expression, and reached up to tuck a stray strand of her dark hair behind her ear, "How are you going to cope having your two favourite men around you, on tour? That is going to be interesting" he then mused

"Well, I think it would be the best kind of tour ever!" Ellie replied smiling down at him in delight, "and dad will be so happy too, I can't wait to tell him" she admitted a little excitedly now

"Well, you can leave it till later, right now, I have more important plans for you, to use up the last of my energy tonight" Brett replied, whilst his hands found their way to her waist and sliding upwards as he pulled her down closer on top of him so he could kiss her, and she decided as she melted against him, that it could indeed wait....


"Right folks, just one last number to go, before we bid you all good night for the final time," Jake announced over his mic to the cheering crowd. Although he was a little breathless, and now realising how much harder it was performing in later years, he had thoroughly enjoyed getting back with the band again and doing this tour. But, tonight was his crowning moment, as he continued to address the crowd in the arena, where they were doing their final gig. "And as this is the last show on our tour, we have a special treat for you all to end  it on a high"

He stopped now, and glanced towards the side of the stage, whilst the crowd fell silent in anticipation, "Tonight, I am inviting a special guest to join us, to help us finish our last song, and so, I would like to bring  out on stage with me, my very talented and beautiful daughter, Ellie Kavanagh!" he then announced, whilst clapping and beckoning for Ellie to come out from the side-lines where she stood. This had the effect of making the crowd go crazy as they roared  and stomping in approval  at this revelation, which almost blew the roof of the building, as Ellie now  made her appearance, smiling and waving at the crowd, as she joined her father who immediately embraced her in a hug, before asking her if she was ready to rock,

She laughed, and nodded in affirmation, as she now put her guitar strap round her  torso, to get ready to play. They had been rehearsing this moment over the last few days, so she hoped it would go as well as they hoped.

The crowd indeed went crazy with enthusiasm, as father and daughter along with the rest of the band tore into the song with gusto, and by the end of it, Ellie was on a new high with her sense of achievement. This moment was a moment she would cherish, not only because she had this chance to play along with her father, but she had also reached a stage where she felt proud of all she achieved over the last few years, realising it had been worth it after all.

She no longer was just her father's daughter, but recognised as a talented musician in her own right, and had come out from under the shadow of her fathers fame to be her own person. She was also finally able to let go of the haunting past of her mother and her tragic death. She had taken Brett's advice to seek some form of counselling.

Talking it out with the counsellor, she began to realise he had been right. She had no control over the circumstances of her mother's death, and she was not to blame. 

For the first time, she had then shed tears for her mother, and what she had gone through. But, then decided dwelling on it, only served to keep alive all the negative forces her grandfather had caused with his heinous behaviour. So, she decided she had to let it go, and look to the future, realising how blessed she was having such a supportive great family, as well as Brett, and a successful career. So, doing this with her father tonight, had been the pinnacle to end a crazy year on a better note.

When the song ended, and the crowd went wild in their applause, Ellie embraced her father again and heard him murmur, "I am so proud of you sweetheart,  thank you" he finished his voice husky with emotion and gratitude

"I am proud of you too dad, and this was one of the best nights of my life" she told him happily, and as they bowed and waved to the crowd for the final time, they headed of the stage where an emotional Gemma had watched father and daughter on stage and now hugged both of them,

Brett was also there, smiling and clapping in appreciation. So, after finishing hugging Gemma, Ellie ran into his arms to embrace him enthusiastically, with a feeling of new excitement, because in a few days time, the two of them were heading of for a well earned break to the Maldives for a few weeks, for their first proper holiday together, and she was very much looking forward to it, and whatever else the future had to bring for them

The End

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