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Although Jake had managed to stay more or less cool calm and collected in front of his daughter, when she informed him she was toying with the idea of joining a band and following in his footsteps, later that evening in the bedroom, with his wife Gemma, this was not the case, as it had now finally sunk into his brain.

Although he spoke in a hushed tone so Ellie would not overhear him, the anxiety was evident in his voice as he lay in his bed next to Gemma, frowning up at the ceiling above his head, "I am trying to keep a cool head about all this, and I shouldn't get myself worked up about it. I mean she says she hasn't really made up her mind what she is going to do yet, so there is really no point in me freaking out completely right now, right?" he now glanced round at Gemma for confirmation

"I guess not," Gemma replied, "but it's understandable you still have your concerns" she added tactfully

"Yeah," Jake agreed, "I wouldn't be a good father if I didn't have my concerns, and it doesn't mean I am like my own father, trying to discourage her or spoil it for her, I think she realises that"

"I am sure she does," Gemma soothed him, now reaching out to stroke his bare shoulder, "and as you have said, there is no point in fretting too much right now, she might stick to her original plan with her business studies"

"True," Jake nodded staring back up at the ceiling, and then after a small pause turned to look back at Gemma with anxious blue eyes, "But what if she doesn't? And this guy.. Brett whatever his name is... Ellie told me there isn't anything going on between them, other than he thinks she is a talented musician he wants in his band, but how can I be sure that is all he is interested in? He could be using her for his own ends. She has already told me he is a bit of an asshole, so how am I supposed to trust him around my daughter?" he then hissed in perplexity

"I guess you will just have to trust Ellie, that she can handle herself, she has been brought up surrounded by those in the music industry, I am sure she knows the score" Gemma then said

"Yes, perhaps," Jake relented, "But still we have done our best to protect her from the more sleazy side of it as well, and she is still just a young girl, so maybe a bit naive, in some quarters, that's what worries me, she might not realise what she is getting into" he then pointed out his brows pulling down again

Then when the time comes, if it ever does, we will make sure she does know" Gemma decided to placate him further

"It's not like I am not proud of her musical talent, and I don't believe she could do it, I actually think it's great that she is actually starting to believe in how good she is as well, so it wouldn't surprise me if she did make it in the band if given the chance. I am just not sure I want her too." Jake then admitted with a troubled look before continuing ,

"If the band became a success, and people realise she is also my daughter, her own fame will more than likely be connected with mine. It's going to be a bit of a two edged sword, she will be under more public scrutiny, with people recalling my history, good and bad, including the events of her mother's death. It could open up a whole new can of worms that we have managed to keep contained all these years" he then realised with some dismay.

"That is your greatest worry, isn't it?" Gemma said in concern, before letting out a sigh, "But let's not focus too much on that aspect now, we will find a way to deal with it if the time comes. Besides we both knew that one day we were going to have to try and explain to her about her mother, this has just brought it more to the fore, but perhaps it's a good thing" she then said thoughtfully

"How could it be?" Jake looked bewildered by his wife's claim

"Because up until now, we have been avoiding it, and putting it off, as if it never happened. But Ellie is becoming an adult now, she is going out there, making her way in the world on her terms whichever path she chooses, and we are going to have to accept that. But we can also prepare her for it as well, and so when the time comes, which now seems sooner than later, we have to be ready to tell her the truth about Caroline, don't you think it's better she hears it from you, than the distorted version that's out there in the media" Gemma pointed out rationally

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