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(Five months later)

"So, how did your father feel when he found out you decided to follow in his footsteps into the world of rock and roll? Has he been a big influence on you and Kikz?" Jan, the dark haired middle aged female interviewer enquired as she stared with intrigued curiosity in Ellie's direction.

Ellie was suddenly very aware of Brett sitting next to her, shifting, before letting out a small long suffering sigh, as if to say 'here we go again' It made her inwardly cringed, having to answer this type of question yet again. It was happening at nearly every interview they had done so far .

Now that their debut album had soared to number two in the charts and they became more widely known, the media had taken more interest in them and their background, so it was hardly surprising it had all finally come out about her being Jake Kavanagh's daughter. They knew it was going to happen eventually, and they had prepared for it to a certain extent. But after three months of it being out there in the public domain, it was starting to get a bit wearisome, that the interviewers were more interested in what Jake thought, than about their music

"Actually, my father probably had a big influence on me personally for my love of music as I grew up, I guess. But I never planned on following in his footsteps as such, in the beginning," she replied honestly, "so he was surprised by my decision to join Kikz. But actually it was Brett here, who thought I was wasting my musical talent, and he convinced me to join the band. So I guess you will have to ask him how much my father's music influenced him" she smiled, only too happy to steer the conversation in his direction, and hopefully pacify Brett, before he went for Jan's throat.

"Well, I have been influenced by a lot of different artists, so I couldn't pinpoint one in particular," Brett replied diplomatically, "and then of course my own love for music as I was growing up. I was always wanting to perform even as a child, it seemed the most natural thing in the world."

Jan smiled and nodded with feigned interest, before continuing, "But having Ellie, Jake's daughter in your band, surely that made it possible to get some tips and advice from him, that must have come in handy?"

Brett let out a small slightly derisive laugh, "I wouldn't dream of asking Ellie's father for tips and advice, and he has never offered us any, I believe in the band and my music. We made it where we are now, on our own merit" there was a slight edge in his voice. And now Ellie jumped in

"Brett is right, my father understands that we want to do this on our own back, and although he is pleased we are doing well, he would never try to influence our direction, and I would never expect him to do so"

"Yeah, and now we have got that cleared up, perhaps you would like to ask us about our music, which is why we are here" Brett then reminded the older woman meaningfully with a fixed smile on his face.

"Of course, I understand" Jan laughed as she finally got the hint, and Ellie felt a frisson of relief run through her body. She now allowed herself to relax as Jan then started to ask about their latest hit of their album, which had just hit the charts in the top ten...

A little while later, as they all stepped out of the radio station where the interview had taken place Brett had a mutinous look on his face. As they all piled into Donny's car Joe got in the front with Donny, whilst Brett and Ellie took up the back seat.

"No offence to you Ell," Brett now spoke up as Donny started up the car and they drove off. "But when I talk to Travis later, I am going to tell him that any further interviews we do for the radio, magazines, or online, that there is one subject that is taboo, and that is your relationship with your father and his influence on the band, it's getting tiresome now. Especially when it is always the same bloody questions." he finished in irritation

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