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Ellie had fled to the bathroom and then locked the door behind her, unable to face anyone after her outburst, realising she had not handled matters very well.  The look on her father's face when she had confessed knowing about her mother, and the subsequent accusation was now haunting her, whilst she inwardly cursed herself for getting over emotional losing it, goodness knows what he was thinking of her now she realised miserably as she sat on the edge of the bathtub wiping at her damp eyes and sniffing.

A few moments later she heard the gentle knock on the door that made her start a little, but it wasn't her father it was her sister Dana, "Hey Ell. are you ok in there?" she enquired from the other side of the closed door with slight concern. Ellie wiped at her eyes again and attempted to pull herself together "Y-yes, I just need a minute," she then admitted

"Ok, as long as you are going to be alright," Dana replied, "You didn't half throw us all a curveball," she then added trying to make it sound more light hearted than any of them were actually feeling, but deciding that was what her older sister needed right now.

"I seem to be doing that a lot lately," Ellie sniffed with a shaky laugh that held no amusement in it, but sounded more like it was tinged with bitter self-condemnation.

"You were just upset, we all say stupid things when we are upset" Dana soothed

"But after what I said, I am not sure dad will ever forgive me" Ellie lamented miserably

"Of course he will, he is Dad" Dana replied pragmatically

"She is right, you should listen to her" Ellie then heard her father speak up in the next instant, that made her straighten up, realising he had joined her sister at the  bathroom door.

Before she realised what she was doing, she let out a little sob before going over and unlocking the door, flinging it open before throwing herself into her father's arms so hard that he had to catch his balance

"I am so sorry dad I didn't mean what I said; it was horrible, and I shouldn't have said it!" she then exclaimed emotionally, her voice muffled against his chest as her arms wrapped around him hugging him tight

"Its ok sweetheart, I understand, really I do, and I know you didn't mean it" he soothed whilst giving her what he hoped was a reassuring and comforting squeeze, he was just just relieved that she was ready to face him again, and he didn't have to communicate with her with a bathroom door between them. He waited until she was a little more composed before pulling away from her a little so he could look into her still slightly stricken face, "I am sorry I have never spoken to you about your mother, perhaps if I had, you wouldn't have felt the need to go the internet, to find out about her, that was not the way I wanted you to find out" he admitted a little gruffly

"You always looked so sad when ever she was mentioned, and I didn't want to upset you" Ellie then admitted shakily with a sniff, "and now I understand why"

"Oh Ell," Her father returned, squeezing her close to him again, "It's all so complicated and tragic where your mother is concerned, I just never knew where to begin. But now under the circumstances I think we all need to sit down and discuss it properly, and I will tell you everything. I just hope you will understand why its been so hard for me, not for my sake, but yours, and not for the reasons you think" he then attempted to reassure her

She just stared back at him wonderingly, "I didn't mean to cause all this upset, I thought you would be so pleased that I wanted to follow in your footsteps"

"I am," Jake replied, "It's just very complicated with my past with your mother. but as I said I will try and explain to you the best I can, and hope you understand" he replied, and now glanced over at Dana as well, "Both of you, that is'' he then added, looking hopeful.

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