Twenty Nine

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After spending the majority of the past few weeks of their American tour in cheap hotel rooms and coaches, it was a relief, and almost a luxury when the band were invited to spend a weekend at the home of a celebrity Radio presenter Carl De Silvie in New Jersey. who had taken a liking to Kickz promoting their music on his radio station. It was a nee4ded break between their gigs, and Brett and the others intended to make the most of it, staying in his luxury Mansion and enjoying all the benefits. Which included a non stop party atmosphere, as Carl invited his many celebrity friends from the music, television, and Movie world to also hang out over the weekend.

Ellie could quite understand why the three men in the band were embracing the experience, as they were suddenly surrounded by many famous people they recognized, as we;; all the glitz and glamour and being surrounded by plenty of pretty females with their perfect figure and teeth and hair, all of course, thanks to the handiwork of their expensive plastic surgeons for their looks. That made them all Barbie doll look-alikes in Ellie's view.

Underneath the glitz and glamour and partying, was of course the darker side, drugs were available a-plenty, and in all forms, and those good looking glamorous women who ai kissed each other cheeks when they greeted bitched and gossiped about each other behind their backs and when they were out of earshot. That was when they were not busy trying to find someone to hook up with for sex, male or female whatever their preference

Having been brought up in the fringes of this kind of lifestyle, whilst avoiding the worst excesses of it Ellie found she was slightly out of her comfort zone, and was not enjoying the party atmosphere as much as the rest of the band On the surface it all seemed so glamorous, but for Ellie, it all felt fake

But still, she felt she owed it to her extravagant host to make it feel like she was having a good time and enjoying herself. Which was why she sat by the pool sipping her cocktail and pretending to be enjoying the company around her. Though it was a little hard because she was also deliberately avoiding being around Brett, just in case some keen eyes realised that they were more than just bandmates. She had to admit it was getting harder for her to keep her feelings hidden when they were together in public, she never imagined they would still be more or less still together after all this time.

Though, watching him now, as he and Donnie cavorted with some blonde beauties in the pool, who seemed enamoured by their English accents, he was making a very good impression he was very much footloose and fancy free. Ellie refused to accept she was having a pang of jealousy, feeling she had no right to have such an emotion, especially when she was quite aware of Brett's reputation, and she had more or less insisted all this time that their relationship was just a thing, and refused to take it too seriously.

Even now, she found herself wondering was he wishing he was single again, having all these lovely American ladies flirting with him, and finding it frustrating he was unable to make a move on them, because she was in the room.

She recalled how she had told him if he got fed up and wanted to look elsewhere, she was fine with it. So it was with this noble intention of not hindering him, she now decided to remove herself from the scene, excusing herself, and finishing her cocktail. She decided to go to the privacy of the guest bedroom she was staying over the weekend, to distract herself, pondered trying to get in touch again with her mother's friend Alexis, and perhaps finally get talking to her, and get a chance to ask her some of those questions that had been on her mind lately.

Brett didn't see her leave, but a little while later, having reluctantly extricated himself from his female companions, he managed to find Joe, and casually asked if he knew where Ellie had gone.

"Oh, she said something about needing some privacy and going to her room because she wanted to get see if she could in touch with her mother's friend over the phone, y'know the one that turned up the other week, before our gig" Joe informed him

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