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Ellie wasn't sure how she intended to approach her father the next time she was home for the weekend, but her chance came to speak with him when she was sitting in her bedroom messing about with her acoustic guitar and trying out one of Kikz numbers on it, her door was ajar, and she had been so focused on playing her guitar, she had not noticed her father had come up the stairs on his way to his own room.  He had stopped to listen to her. Now he pushed the door further open and stepped into her room, "I don't recognise that piece you are playing," he then remarked a little intrigued.

Startled Ellie immediately stopped playing, the colour flooding her face, and feeling she had been caught out doing something naughty by her father, which was silly

"It makes me feel old that I don't recognise the popular music my daughter is into, I really am becoming an old fart" he then mused ruefully

This made Ellie smile, "You are not an old fart, and this is not exactly a popular number, actually it was composed very recently, by someone I know" she then explained attempting to make him feel better, whilst at the same time realising that she was skimming out important details behind the song, and finding it hard to look her father straight in the eye.

"Really?" Jake's eyebrows rose with interest, "Is this someone who is at college with you? "he then idly inquired.

"No, he works in a store, but he has plans on becoming more famous than you one day" she explained with a bemused grin

"Oh, now I am more intrigued, especially now I know its a 'he" Jake admitted coming to sit on the edge of the bed, " So, how come you are playing his songs? he must have made a big impression on you" he then smiled

Ellie just laughed a little derisively thinking back on her stormy relationship with Brett, "I wouldn't say that, most of the times he pisses me off" she admitted

"Yet, you are playing his music?" Jake's blue eyes stared at his daughter questioningly again, "and it's not a bad number, from what I have heard of it" he then grudgingly conceded

"Do you really think so?" Ellie sounded slightly surprised, her brown eyes met her fathers searchingly, not sure if he was being serious or teasing her. "Playing it acoustically doesn't really do it justice" she then admitted.

"You still haven't told me the name of this budding rock star, whose music you seem pretty familiar with" Her father returned half curious and half concerned, "don't tell me he has swept you off your feet with his music prowess?"

"Oh God no, nothing like that!" Ellie hastily reassured her father realising what he was hinting at. "His name is Brett Carter, and his band is called Kikz,  to be honest I kind of got involved with him and his music in the craziest way" she attempted to explain with a small laugh, not sure how she could describe her rather complicated relationship with Brett, as she couldn't even exactly describe him as a friend.

"Oh, do you mean like getting up on stage with him, and playing one of my old numbers in some nightclub?" Jake then queried casually

Ellie looked a little startled, "You know about that?" she was suddenly mortified to find out that he had  actually seen the dreaded video.

"Well, it's up on the internet for everyone to see, and apparently one of my fans came across it, they recognised you, and posted it up on the forum of my website, I have to say, I was a little  intrigued after I watched it"

"B-But if you have already seen it, why haven't  you mentioned it before now?" Ellie asked in bewilderment

"Because I was waiting for you to come and tell me about it" Jake replied, "I was sure you would have eventually" he finished dryly

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