Twenty Seven

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Before the band went on their official tour, Ellie made sure to grab some free time so she could spend some quality time with her family, The four of them were now sitting have a nice meal at her parent's favourite restaurant and catching up with everything that had been going on in their lives

Her father was contemplating doing a special thirty years anniversary tour himself with his old band, though  they were still at just the discussion stages yet, and  nothing firm had been agreed on.

Ellie thought it was a great idea if it came about, and was quite excited for her father at the prospect of it. Having been bitten by the touring bug herself and looking forward to Kikz finally getting theirs off the ground in a few days time

Her father who had been tackling a steak on his plate sitting across the table from her now glanced up at her "So, how's Brett these days?" he enquired casually

Ellie managed to swallow the chicken she was chewing on, before replying. A little surprised by her father's inquiry, and now suddenly wondering  if he had heard something. But then she shrugged, hoping she came across as casual as her father,

"He's fine as far as I know. I never knew you cared about him so much to enquire after welfare" she then added with a teasing smile

"Well, I just noticed this while back, you barely make mention him in your conversations any more," Her father spoke up, now sitting back in his chair, his blue eyes seem to be scrutinising her a little, "You were always usually venting to me, and regaling me with tales of everything he was getting up, to that was pissing you off, when we talked  over the phone. And I have noticed you have hardly mentioned him at all tonight. So, is everything ok between you all?"

Ellie managed to let out a little laugh as if she found his concern silly, But also trying hard not to squirm in her seat, "Everything between us is fine, in fact it's never been better" she realised she could reply honestly, "We have just been so busy with the new album and the tour, he hasn't had time to annoy me as much. So, I guess there isn't much to tell" she finished, glad she could look down at her plate of food and not meet her father in the eye.

"Ok," Her father nodded, seeming satisfied with her reply, as he returned to cutting another piece of his steak, "Maybe, he's starting to settle and grow up, realising that life isn't one big party, which is a good thing believe me.. I should know" he then smiled 

"Yeah,  its more likely that" Ellie agreed, whilst inwardly giving a little sigh of relief that her father was blissfully unaware of what was really going on with her and Brett, Yet she thought it ironic the fact she wasn't complaining about him, had almost gave her away, which did make her smile.


Because this time around, it was Kikz 'own official tour in the UK, which meant they had a lot more leeway and calling the shots. Which was why Brett was able to arrange special transport and seating for his parents to attend the concert, when they were playing nearby where they lived.

They arrived just an hour or so before the concert was about to begin. And Brett insisted that Ellie come and meet them, when they arrived in the special V.I.P area in the backroom area of the stage of the venue, where they were playing that evening.

When they were introduced, Ellie was struck again, how much Brett looked like his father, Tommy Carter, who was grey haired, and a little shorter than his son but the facial feature were undeniable.

His stepmother, Jeannie, was using a walking stick, and so she was immediately escorted to a seat. She looked a little younger than her husband, maybe by six years or more, her dark hair, which was tied back, had just a hint of grey at the temples. She had appraising green eyes and a warm smile as she shook hands with Ellie

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